We feel pretty confident in saying that these are going to be the funniest youtube comments you’ll ever read. EVER. If they’re not, we’ll give you your money back. If you’ve never searched for funny YouTube comments, you have really been missing out. While Funny Facebook Comments are definitely a thing that we love, we have to say that these funny YouTube comments have really hit home for us. In fact they are, I would say, some of the funniest comments I’ve read on the entirez Internetz. Not possible, you say? Well read on, son, and tell us what you think!
We feel pretty confident in saying that these are going to be the funniest youtube comments you’ll ever read. EVER. If they’re not, we’ll give you your money back. If you’ve never searched for funny YouTube comments, you have really been missing out. While Funny …
This dog does not like bears! In this hilarious video that originally surfaced in 2010 in the United Kingdom but recently went viral again the States, a dog named Akita is just hanging out with her owners, getting pet and licking faces, when she walks over to the family’s television and sees a bear chasing after a kid on the screen. The dog goes into attack mode (it sounds scarier than it is..it’s actually pretty adorable) and tries to take down the bear. Except unfortunately (or fortunately?) the bear is not there to fight the dog. A nearby human is
This dog does not like bears! In this hilarious video that originally surfaced in 2010 in the United Kingdom but recently went viral again the States, a dog named Akita is just hanging out with her owners, getting pet and licking faces, when she walks …