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Worst Pole Dancing Fails Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

To be honest, we never thought of pole dancing as a dangerous sport. But after watching these 10 pole dancing fails, all we can say is "OUCH!"

These pole dancing fails look really, really painful. Not only to their girls (and guy's) egos, but to their bodies. Truthfully the way the dancer fell in the first pole dancing fail, she's lucky she's not paralyzed. What are these people thinking?

Pole-dancing really seems like a sport (or activity) that is best done by a professional. And if you are an amature and you have a pole-dancing kit set up in your house, you better make sure that thing is secure. REALLY secure. Or else you could end up in one of these pole-dancing fail videos.

While these pole dancing fails look painful, thankfully nobody was hurt in the making of them. The only thing these people bruised are their egos, which isn't bad considering how awful some of these falls are. Shouldn't these poles come with some sort of instruction manual? Who thinks they can just hop on and start pole dancing without any real training?! These people be crazy.

Watch this pole dancing fail video compilation and tell us what you think! Be sure to share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, too! Sharing is caring.


Worst Pole Dancing Fails

To be honest, we never thought of pole dancing as a dangerous sport. But after watching these 10 pole dancing fails, all we can say is “OUCH!”

These pole dancing fails look really, really painful. Not only to their girls (and guy’s) egos, but to their bodies. Truthfully the way the dancer fell in the first pole dancing fail, she’s lucky she’s not paralyzed. What are these people thinking?

Pole-dancing really seems like a sport (or activity) that is best done by a professional. And if you are an amature and you have a pole-dancing kit set up in your house, you better make sure that thing is secure. REALLY secure. Or else you could end up in one of these pole-dancing fail videos.

While these pole dancing fails look painful, thankfully nobody was hurt in the making of them. The only thing these people bruised are their egos, which isn’t bad considering how awful some of these falls are. Shouldn’t these poles come with some sort of instruction manual? Who thinks they can just hop on and start pole dancing without any real training?! These people be crazy.

Watch this pole dancing fail video compilation and tell us what you think! Be sure to share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, too! Sharing is caring.


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