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Worst Parking Attempt Ever Gets Worse And Worse Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

I don't even know what to say except this is the worst parking attempt ever seen. Is that a BBQ smoker behind the truck? Is it an oven? It looks somewhat cooking related. I don't know. But I do know that this not only start out really bad, but it gets worse. And then worse. And then even worse. I really don't understand how a human being could be responsible for this. Why wouldn't you stop? Why wouldn't you get out and look? Maybe this driver wanted the title of the worst parking attempt ever? If that's the case, well congratulations because you are the new champion of terrible parking attempts.

If you've been around the Internet, you've seen plenty of videos of terrible parking attempts. People who seem to get confused, or freak out and mistake the brake for the gas. I mean, we've all made mistakes, so it's understandable on some level to make an error and ding up your car. But this, I have never seen anything like this before in my life.

This driver just keeps going and going and going even though it's clear that this has turned into a disastrous attempt at parking a truck. I keep asking why? Why would you keep hitting the gas. Why wouldn't you look around after the first time you hit the wall and park it on the street and walk inside and figure out what to do next. Not just floor it until there's nothing but crashing glass and you're INSIDE an actual building. This really makes me never want to get into a car ever again. It is easily the worst parking attempt ever.

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Worst Parking Attempt Ever Gets Worse And Worse

I don’t even know what to say except this is the worst parking attempt ever seen. Is that a BBQ smoker behind the truck? Is it an oven? It looks somewhat cooking related. I don’t know. But I do know that this not only start out really bad, but it gets worse. And then worse. And then even worse. I really don’t understand how a human being could be responsible for this. Why wouldn’t you stop? Why wouldn’t you get out and look? Maybe this driver wanted the title of the worst parking attempt ever? If that’s the case, well congratulations because you are the new champion of terrible parking attempts.

If you’ve been around the Internet, you’ve seen plenty of videos of terrible parking attempts. People who seem to get confused, or freak out and mistake the brake for the gas. I mean, we’ve all made mistakes, so it’s understandable on some level to make an error and ding up your car. But this, I have never seen anything like this before in my life.

This driver just keeps going and going and going even though it’s clear that this has turned into a disastrous attempt at parking a truck. I keep asking why? Why would you keep hitting the gas. Why wouldn’t you look around after the first time you hit the wall and park it on the street and walk inside and figure out what to do next. Not just floor it until there’s nothing but crashing glass and you’re INSIDE an actual building. This really makes me never want to get into a car ever again. It is easily the worst parking attempt ever.

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