Do you notice lately that more and more news outlets are using the term 'Breaking News' for everything! Seriously. Every time I put on everything from the Today Show to CNN or Fox News, there's a breaking news alert for something that is really not breaking news or really all that important at all. It's like they're desperately trying to pull in viewers by having a breaking news alert constantly on their tickers.
So we decided to compile the worst breaking news reports that we could find, and there are definitely a lot of them! From cats getting jury duty to rain causing wet roads to the titanic anniversary and really bad graphics' goofs, there are some really stupid breaking news reports seen on-air and on people's phones. And oddly, most of them involve sandwiches, the white house, and other types of food that have no business being anywhere near an important news alert.
Hopefully the news stations will get the hint and stop making stupid news breaking news. And also, the person whose job it was to put in the graphics for the Tiger Woods one should have immediately resigned! That is the worst, stupidest thing we've ever seen on a real news channel!
The Worst Breaking News Alerts

Do you notice lately that more and more news outlets are using the term 'Breaking News' for everything! Seriously. Every time I put on everything from the Today Show to CNN or Fox News, there's a breaking news alert for something that is really not breaking news or really all that important at all. It's like they're desperately trying to pull in viewers by having a breaking news alert constantly on their tickers.
So we decided to compile the worst breaking news reports that we could find, and there are definitely a lot of them! From cats getting jury duty to rain causing wet roads to the titanic anniversary and really bad graphics' goofs, there are some really stupid breaking news reports seen on-air and on people's phones. And oddly, most of them involve sandwiches, the white house, and other types of food that have no business being anywhere near an important news alert.
Hopefully the news stations will get the hint and stop making stupid news breaking news. And also, the person whose job it was to put in the graphics for the Tiger Woods one should have immediately resigned! That is the worst, stupidest thing we've ever seen on a real news channel!