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Woman Has Spontaneous Orgasms ALL DAY Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos


This 30-year-old mother has a condition that can only be described as's called Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, and it's had a crazy effect on her life.

Cara Anaya has up to 180 orgasms in two hours, and estimates that she has to endure up to 6 hours a day of sexual arousal from her Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, also referred to as PGAD.

Anaya, who is married and lives in Phoenix, was diagnosed with the incurable condition three years ago. Since then she has suffered from spontaneous orgasms while picking her child up from school, on the playground, in teh supermarket, and just hanging out watching television around the house.

Cara, whose son is 10, has said that doctors are unable to offer her any kind of treatment, so she is instead taking it day by day.

While it's not a laughing matter to watch anybody suffer from something that is bothering them, you have to admit that having spontaneous orgasms is definitely one of the stranger ailments you can have. While some might consider it a good thing, I woudl have to imagine that constantly having spontaneous orgasms up to 6 hours a day would interfere with a large portion of your life, and have an effect on your family as well.

Watch the video above and let us know what you think!

Woman Has Spontaneous Orgasms ALL DAY


This 30-year-old mother has a condition that can only be described as strange…it’s called Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, and it’s had a crazy effect on her life.

Cara Anaya has up to 180 orgasms in two hours, and estimates that she has to endure up to 6 hours a day of sexual arousal from her Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, also referred to as PGAD.

Anaya, who is married and lives in Phoenix, was diagnosed with the incurable condition three years ago. Since then she has suffered from spontaneous orgasms while picking her child up from school, on the playground, in teh supermarket, and just hanging out watching television around the house.

Cara, whose son is 10, has said that doctors are unable to offer her any kind of treatment, so she is instead taking it day by day.

While it’s not a laughing matter to watch anybody suffer from something that is bothering them, you have to admit that having spontaneous orgasms is definitely one of the stranger ailments you can have. While some might consider it a good thing, I woudl have to imagine that constantly having spontaneous orgasms up to 6 hours a day would interfere with a large portion of your life, and have an effect on your family as well.

Watch the video above and let us know what you think!

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