This compilation of funny videos of people falling is so hilarious you’ll, er, fall over laughing. (Pun intended!) Is there anything funnier than people falling down? What’s so amazing about watching videos like this is you can totally remember all the times that you were clumsy and ate it. You know how when you’re walking down the street and you trip over a curb and your first instinct is to look behind you? This video is like the most amazing version of that time 1,000. Speaking of turning around, why do people do that anyway? It’s that same look every time,
This compilation of funny videos of people falling is so hilarious you’ll, er, fall over laughing. (Pun intended!) Is there anything funnier than people falling down? What’s so amazing about watching videos like this is you can totally remember all the times that you were clumsy …
This dog does not like bears! In this hilarious video that originally surfaced in 2010 in the United Kingdom but recently went viral again the States, a dog named Akita is just hanging out with her owners, getting pet and licking faces, when she walks over to the family’s television and sees a bear chasing after a kid on the screen. The dog goes into attack mode (it sounds scarier than it’s actually pretty adorable) and tries to take down the bear. Except unfortunately (or fortunately?) the bear is not there to fight the dog. A nearby human is
This dog does not like bears! In this hilarious video that originally surfaced in 2010 in the United Kingdom but recently went viral again the States, a dog named Akita is just hanging out with her owners, getting pet and licking faces, when she walks …
Hopefully you’ve already seen the first Bane Cat video (if not you have to watch it), because it was an instant classic. And now, back by popular demand, a second BaneCat video has returned! While it’s not quite as awesome as the first one, it’s still pretty great. Basically anytime you have a cat dressed up as a character from Batman you’re going to have a good time…which is why it’s so awesome that this video has not only Bane Cat in it, but a new Joker Cat as well (complete with smeared lipstick). Bane Cat, if you’re not familiar, is a
Hopefully you’ve already seen the first Bane Cat video (if not you have to watch it), because it was an instant classic. And now, back by popular demand, a second BaneCat video has returned! While it’s not quite as awesome as the first one, it’s still pretty …
If you’ve ever seen dogs eating peanut butter, you know it’s one of the funniest things you can watch your dog do. First off, dogs love peanut butter (who doesn’t), but I think humans might enjoy watching dogs eat peanut butter even more. This hilarious compilation video shows several dogs eating peanut butter, and it just gets better and better. I would feel sorry for the dogs as they struggle to get it all in their mouth, but the same thing happens when we eat it! It’s get stuck to the roof of your mouth and you have to keep licking
If you’ve ever seen dogs eating peanut butter, you know it’s one of the funniest things you can watch your dog do. First off, dogs love peanut butter (who doesn’t), but I think humans might enjoy watching dogs eat peanut butter even more. This hilarious compilation …
Seriously, this teacup pig is so friggin’ cute I almost died from cuteness overload. YES. I DID. Is there anything in the world better than a teacup pig? If there is, then it’s got to be this video of a teacup pig doing a backflip over a dog. I mean, I can’t handle the adorableness. It seems like everybody these days owns a teacup pig except me, and this has to be fixed immediately. Also known as micro pigs, these teacup pigs have caused a bit of an Internet stir the past couple years. From dressing them up in tiny boots
Seriously, this teacup pig is so friggin’ cute I almost died from cuteness overload. YES. I DID. Is there anything in the world better than a teacup pig? If there is, then it’s got to be this video of a teacup pig doing a backflip over …
If you’ve ever played the totally addicting Candy Crush Saga app you know how maddening it can be. Not only do you have to attempt to get to different levels by matching similarly-colored candies in addition to matching “special”candies, but once you do you have to then do a quest area level where you have to complete levels of varying difficulties. Once you do you then have to wait 24 hours to get another quest. If you can believe it, over 150 billion games of Candy Crush have been played since the app was released in 2012. That means over 500 million
If you’ve ever played the totally addicting Candy Crush Saga app you know how maddening it can be. Not only do you have to attempt to get to different levels by matching similarly-colored candies in addition to matching “special”candies, but once you do you have …
Once you catch a glimpse of this adorable Korean baby dancing you’ll want to steal her dance moves. This video came out a couple of days ago and is already a viral hit on YouTube. In the video a toddler girl and her brother (or friend) are in front of a television and their moms are playing dance music. Clearly the toddlers have heard the song before because as soon as the song starts the little girl is dancing. Except what’s so funny about this hilarious Korean baby dancing is that she waits for the countdown in the song and
Once you catch a glimpse of this adorable Korean baby dancing you’ll want to steal her dance moves. This video came out a couple of days ago and is already a viral hit on YouTube. In the video a toddler girl and her brother (or …
This Hey Cat video is exactly what it’s like to own a cat. Or, this is what it sounds like when you own a cat. After a while you stop hearing the “meows” and you basically just start hearing someone yell “hey” at you over and over again when they want something. And don’t get us wrong. We here at Dose of Funny really love cats. Like, love love cats. They are the best. They are totally hilarious all the time. Even when they are just lying there sleeping they are pretty funny. But this video, which is clearly someone
This Hey Cat video is exactly what it’s like to own a cat. Or, this is what it sounds like when you own a cat. After a while you stop hearing the “meows” and you basically just start hearing someone yell “hey” at you over …
This kid gave the best preschool graduation speech ever. Not only is is short and sweet. But it’s short and awesome. The kid’s name is Jathan Muhar and he knows exactly what he wants. While most graduation speeches are long winded celebrities talking about things they’ve learned and passing on helpful tips to get through life that usually don’t do anyone any good in the long run, Jathan Muhar decided to go a different route. Instead of going on and on about what people should and shouldn’t do with their lives, and giving graduation quotes that people have probably heard 100
This kid gave the best preschool graduation speech ever. Not only is is short and sweet. But it’s short and awesome. The kid’s name is Jathan Muhar and he knows exactly what he wants. While most graduation speeches are long winded celebrities talking about things they’ve …
This is what’s known as the I Love You Baby video. This little girl is just two months old and she is sitting on her dad’s chest. And her dad is saying “I love you” to this little baby over and over again. And she responds by smiling at him and generally being a super cute little baby in her pink little dress. So she sits there for a while staring into her dad’s eyes and goo gooing and ga gaing at him whenever he says something to her. But then something funny happens. After he says “I love you”
This is what’s known as the I Love You Baby video. This little girl is just two months old and she is sitting on her dad’s chest. And her dad is saying “I love you” to this little baby over and over again. And she …
This funny flour prank video involves a girlfriend, a leaf blower and some flour. The back story is this: this couple has a video series where they play funny pranks on each other. A few weeks prior this this funny flour prank video the guy was playing around with a leaf blower. And he was blowing it directly into his face, making his mouth fly open and making him look pretty funny. He asked his girlfriend to put the blower into her face to see what she would look like and she said she would do it later. She said
This funny flour prank video involves a girlfriend, a leaf blower and some flour. The back story is this: this couple has a video series where they play funny pranks on each other. A few weeks prior this this funny flour prank video the guy …
This is a funny video on the ways to fail a DUI test. And we’d like to start out by saying that you should never, ever drink and drive no matter what. But we are posting this video because it shows how stupid you look when you drink too much anyway. But you look even dumber when you drink too much and get behind the wheel. These three ways to fail a DUI test are kind of epic, though. The first two are almost mind blowing that these two guys are even capable to stand up, let alone get into
This is a funny video on the ways to fail a DUI test. And we’d like to start out by saying that you should never, ever drink and drive no matter what. But we are posting this video because it shows how stupid you look …