It’s not often you get to see a comedy superstar before they’re huge, but this video clip of Eddie Murphy doing his first appearance on the Johnny Carson show does just that. What’s really interesting about this video clip is that it’s a rare scene where early Eddie Murphy has to work totally clean. Juxtaposed to his earlier work in Raw and Delirious, where he works very blue and uses every curse word under the son, this is young Eddie doing his comedy routine on national television where he could use no four letter words. Instead of talking about cave
It’s not often you get to see a comedy superstar before they’re huge, but this video clip of Eddie Murphy doing his first appearance on the Johnny Carson show does just that. What’s really interesting about this video clip is that it’s a rare scene …
The Eddie Murphy Raw marriage bit may be the best bit in this entire stand up special. And that’s saying something because Raw is one of the funniest stand up specials in the history of comedy. But this scene is amazing. Eddie has decided that it’s time to get married. He found the love of his life, until he’s at the grocery store and sees a tabloid with a sad Johnny Carson and a happy ex-wife who had gotten half of his money. Half! Since Johnny Carson had $300 million he had to give $150 to his now ex-wife. Half!
The Eddie Murphy Raw marriage bit may be the best bit in this entire stand up special. And that’s saying something because Raw is one of the funniest stand up specials in the history of comedy. But this scene is amazing. Eddie has decided that …
This Eddie Murphy Rocky scene from Raw is hilarious. Eddie’s take on Italians after they have seen the movie Rocky is so spot on, it’s still funny to this day. Because let’s face it, it’s true. Italians are proud people, and Rocky is their hero. The Italian Stallion who came out of nowhere to win the heavyweight championship as a heavily favored underdog. So, of course, after an Italian walks out of the movie theater having just seen Rocky, they are strutting around like a peacock and screaming “Alright Rocko!” “Alright Sly!” at the top of their lungs. And then
This Eddie Murphy Rocky scene from Raw is hilarious. Eddie’s take on Italians after they have seen the movie Rocky is so spot on, it’s still funny to this day. Because let’s face it, it’s true. Italians are proud people, and Rocky is their hero. …
This Eddie Murphy McDonald’s bit from his epic comedy special Raw is a classic. The story that every kid who grew up in America could relate to. When you’re young, McDonald’s is the end all be all of food. You don’t care how it’s made, or what it’s made of, you just know that it is the greatest thing in the world and when you see other kids eating McDonald’s, you want it more than anything else. But Eddie’s story is about asking his grandma is she can take him to McDonald’s but she has something much better planned, her own
This Eddie Murphy McDonald’s bit from his epic comedy special Raw is a classic. The story that every kid who grew up in America could relate to. When you’re young, McDonald’s is the end all be all of food. You don’t care how it’s made, or …
We found him, the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant ever. Julian from Indiana University is easily the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant in the history of Wheel of Fortune. This isn’t Jeopardy!, remember. This is the easier game show. But not for Julian. His inability to pronounce Achilles cost him, wait for it, $1 million. Yes, a million dollars. Because he couldn’t pronounce the tendon at the back of his heel (or the mythological hero.) And it wasn’t because he couldn’t figure out the puzzle. Every square was turned around. He just had to read it. And then he failed.
We found him, the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant ever. Julian from Indiana University is easily the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant in the history of Wheel of Fortune. This isn’t Jeopardy!, remember. This is the easier game show. But not for Julian. His inability …
You think you love roller coasters? Well, no matter how much you love going on giant rides at Great America or Disneyland, you don’t love them as much as this 70-year-old German grandmother. Seriously, look at her face when she’s on a roller coaster. That is pure joy. Most grandmothers love watching sitcoms and complaining about how you’re not having enough babies, but this grandmother loves rollercoasters. A lot. And I can’t blame her, but it’s awesome she made this video to share her love of going super fast. Check out more funny videos!
You think you love roller coasters? Well, no matter how much you love going on giant rides at Great America or Disneyland, you don’t love them as much as this 70-year-old German grandmother. Seriously, look at her face when she’s on a roller coaster. That …
If you watch Game of Thrones, you know that the theme song is a very hummable and catchy little tune. But it’s always been missing one very important addition: Goats. Now that travesty has been rectified by some Internet genius who took the original theme song and, well, added goats. This is pretty much why the Internet was invented. Take something awesome like the Game of Thrones theme song. Add something also awesome like goats. Success. What else do you need to know, just watch it. If someone can start a petition at HBO to make this the official theme
If you watch Game of Thrones, you know that the theme song is a very hummable and catchy little tune. But it’s always been missing one very important addition: Goats. Now that travesty has been rectified by some Internet genius who took the original theme …
New Yorkers of the 80s would scoff at this video of a bunch of so-called New Yorkers freaking out at a rat in a subway car. New York subway cars of the 80s were much different than they are now. Back then, only having one rat on the subway would be the best part of the ride. Because the chances are you would either be getting mugged or stabbed or something. So, be happy New Yorkers of 2014 that you got a little tiny bit of a taste of what the Big Apple was like back when it had some
New Yorkers of the 80s would scoff at this video of a bunch of so-called New Yorkers freaking out at a rat in a subway car. New York subway cars of the 80s were much different than they are now. Back then, only having one …
I’m not going to lie, there’s not a lot to say about this video. This parrot doesn’t like being touched, and he’s not shy about letting you know how he feels. Watch more hilarious and funny videos here!
I’m not going to lie, there’s not a lot to say about this video. This parrot doesn’t like being touched, and he’s not shy about letting you know how he feels. Watch more hilarious and funny videos here!
This video has it all: First, let’s break down the title of Topless Florida Woman Destroys McDonald’s. It has a topless woman (but don’t worry, this is SFW and all the naughty bits have been censored out.) She’s from Florida (of course.) She’s smashing up a McDonald’s on a security cam. And finally, while she’s in mid freak out and breaking as much Mickey D’s equipment as she can get her hands on (let’s be serious, though, what kind of satisfaction could you possibly get from breaking the microwave door at a McDonald’s?) she stops to enjoy herself a little
This video has it all: First, let’s break down the title of Topless Florida Woman Destroys McDonald’s. It has a topless woman (but don’t worry, this is SFW and all the naughty bits have been censored out.) She’s from Florida (of course.) She’s smashing up …
There’s been a lot of delivery driver fails going around, but this Fed Ex driver fail may take the cake. It starts out with just a few dogs jumping up and down on each other and then a Fed Ex Driver pulls up and drives past the camera’s view. For the moment. The dogs give away that something isn’t right when they start freaking out and then it all becomes clear. The Fed Ex driver, who was parked on a slight incline, got out of his van and tried to make a delivery. But he forgot one minor detail: the
There’s been a lot of delivery driver fails going around, but this Fed Ex driver fail may take the cake. It starts out with just a few dogs jumping up and down on each other and then a Fed Ex Driver pulls up and drives …
Most people wouldn’t think twice about shooting at a target on a tree. Until now. This guy who’s doing a little target practice in the woods was actually a little too good because this man got a little blowback from the tree. After blowing it away, the tree fights back by actually falling on top of it’s perpetrator. I can see the headline now: man shoots tree tree fires back. If a man shoots a tree in the woods, does the man make a sound when the tree falls on him? According to this video, yes, the man does make
Most people wouldn’t think twice about shooting at a target on a tree. Until now. This guy who’s doing a little target practice in the woods was actually a little too good because this man got a little blowback from the tree. After blowing it …