Here is Harland Williams as the hitchhiker in There’s Something About Mary. It is a dialog between Harland who play a crazy hitchhiker and Ben Stiller playing Ted. Hitchhiker: You heard of this thing, the 8-Minute Abs? Ted: Yeah, sure, 8-Minute Abs. Yeah, the excercise video. Hitchhiker: Yeah, this is going to blow that right out of the water. Listen to this: 7… Minute… Abs. Ted: Right. Yes. OK, all right. I see where you’re going. Hitchhiker: Think about it. You walk into a video store, you see 8-Minute Abs sittin’ there, there’s 7-Minute Abs right beside it. Which one are you
Here is Harland Williams Late Night with David Letterman performing his 2006 vintage stand-up. Couple notables: Pumpkins are the the only living organisms with triangle eyes? For all of you that can’t afford laser eye surgery, do like I did and wait for an old rerun of StarTrek and wait for that scene where the enterprise starts shooting laser beams and press your face up against the TV.
Harland Williams Late Night with David Letterman

Here is a classic Harland Williams Half Baked in a scene where Harland asks the horse buttercup if she’s hungry while a big woman is passing by.
Harland Williams Half Baked, Hey girl you hungry?

Doug Benson Anti Pot Ads, if you know Doug Benson, I’m sure you understand how Doug feels about the subject. Here is Doug’s stand Up comedy bit explaining his feelings for anti pot ads. Here is the commercial of the girl melting into the couch followed by Doug Benson’s bit.
Doug Benson Anti Pot Ads

Adam Sandler Mr Deeds favorite clip. Here are Dose of Funny we love Adam Sandler, but more than Adam Sandler we love his movies. In Adam Sandler Mr Deeds, my favorite scene is where Conchata Ferrell says to Winona Ryder “I’m sorry, all I heard was blah blah I’m a dirty tramp”. Here is the sequence: Babe: You must be Jan. My name is… Jan: I know who you are. Wham-Bam Dawson, a.k.a. Little Miss Slut-slut. Babe: Okay, I deserved that… Jan: Do you have any idea how much you hurt him? You’re not getting anywhere near that boy. Babe: I have
Adam Sandler Mr Deeds, Bla Bla Bla I’m a Dirty Tramp

Adam Sandler Big Daddy, The Drunk Ok, so Adam Sandler is great in Big Daddy, but don’t overlook Mr. Herlihy, the drunk guy. My favorite is “I’m right here miss, what are you gonna do about it” or “what are u drunk Mr. Hurley…….well I had a few chardonnays what of it” Here is the exchange between Adam Sandler (Sonny) and Mr. Herlihy: Mr. Herlihy: Goddamn Jets! Waitress: Hey, cutie! What are you doing here? Julian: Watching football. Waitress: Oh yea, who do you want to win? Julian: The Goddamn Jets. Sonny: Everyone’s so busy with their crap lately,
Adam Sandler Big Daddy, The Drunk

One of our favorites here at Dose of Funny is The Devil sequence from Adam Sandler Waterboy. Mama never wants Bobby to leave her or associate with anybody, especially girls. Mama: “I don’t ever want you associatin’ with little girl.” Young Bobby Boucher: “Why not, Mama?” Mama: “Because little girls are the devil!”
Adam Sandler Waterboy, The Devil!

There are dozens of classic scenes from The Wedding Singer; however the best one is where Adam Sandler is talking to his soon to be ex girlfriend and the kid comes up and says “Hey Linda, You’re a Bitch!”. Petey: Hey Linda, you’re a bitch! Robbie: Thanks Petey, go back into the house. He might have Tourette Syndrome. We’re looking into it.
Adam Sandler Wedding Singer, Hey Linda, You’re a Bitch!

This is the best scene of Happy Gilmore. Adam Sandler and Bob Barker in the fight scene. It has the Guile’s theme music from Street Fighter followed by Bobby’s quote, “now you’ve had enough bitch”.
Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore The Price is Wrong Bitch

The third grade scene in Billy Madison reminds us that cursive is pointless, especially any cursive with a z.. Oh and don’t forget about the “Do me Billy” bit, this is as funny as it gets.
Adam Sandler Billy Madison Funny Third Grade Scene

This Eddie Murphy Michael Jackson scene kicks off Raw, his epically hilarious stand up special from 1987. This was back when Eddie Murphy ruled the comedy landscape. There was no one nearly as funny as he was since Richard Pryor, and arguably no one since has been anywhere close to as funny. From his movies of this era and his stand up specials (both Raw and Delirious) Eddie Murphy put together a body of work that is almost untouchable. This video clip of the beginning of his special Raw kicks off with a hilarious skit and then goes right into
Eddie Murphy Michael Jackson Scene from Raw

Eddie Murphy James Brown celebrity hottub by codordog The Eddie Murphy James Brown Hot Tub skit from SNL is a classic. No one did James Brown better than Eddie Murphy and this is his finest moment. From the incoherent lyrics, to the scene that goes nowhere to the guy who comes out and puts a robe on Eddie as James Brown, it’s a perfect piece of comedy. Who knows what James Brown actually thought about Eddie Murphy’s rendition of him, but I really hope he got a kick out of how spot on it was. He was the Godfather of soul, but
Eddie Murphy James Brown Hot Tub SNL Scene