This hilarious video shows a Mothers Day breakfast in bed gone (adorably) wrong. Two super cute boys attempted to bring their mom a plate of fruit and a bowl of yogurt to their mom for a wonderful Mothers Day breakfast in bed, but the older brother couldn’t stop dropping the fruit plate on the floor. Thankfully the younger boy holding the yogurt never spilled that! Carter and Cayden were so excited to bring their mom breakfast in bed for Mothers Day that the one kept dropping it on the carpet. We’re hoping Carter and Cayden’s mom was awake so she got to enjoy the
This hilarious video shows a Mothers Day breakfast in bed gone (adorably) wrong. Two super cute boys attempted to bring their mom a plate of fruit and a bowl of yogurt to their mom for a wonderful Mothers Day breakfast in bed, but the older brother couldn’t …
Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack is one of the best moments from the movie. The comedian plays Al Czervik, an outspoken (and hilarious) tycoon who manages to insult everybody he encounters at the Bushwood Country Club, but that just makes him all the more awesome. In this video clip Rodney Dangerfield is eating dinner at the Bushwood Country Club and complaining about the food. “This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it,” he said. There’s also another hilarious Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack moment when he sees an older woman at the country club and says “You must have
Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack is one of the best moments from the movie. The comedian plays Al Czervik, an outspoken (and hilarious) tycoon who manages to insult everybody he encounters at the Bushwood Country Club, but that just makes him all the more awesome. In …
Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive from Back to School is one of the all-time greatest scenes from any comedy. Rodney Dangerfield plays Thorton Melon, a successful business man who goes back to school at his son’s college when he sees his son having a hard time at school. Everybody at the college loves Thorton Melon, and while he thinks he can buy his way into having good grades, he learns by the end of the movie that college takes dedication and actual studying. Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive from Back to School is one of my favorite scenes from the
Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive from Back to School is one of the all-time greatest scenes from any comedy. Rodney Dangerfield plays Thorton Melon, a successful business man who goes back to school at his son’s college when he sees his son having a hard …
It wasn’t uncommon to see Rodney Dangerfield on the Tonight Show in the 60’s and 70’s. In fact, the comdian appeared on Johnny Carson’s show a total of 35 times. This might be one of his best appearances, however. You’ll laugh out loud when he says: “My doctor told me to run 5 miles a day for two weeks. I called him up and said ‘Doctor, I’m 70 miles away from my house.” Another favorite is “Last week I met the surgeon general. He offered me a cigarette.” Dangerfield also jokes about his wife and kids in this clip. “Last week
It wasn’t uncommon to see Rodney Dangerfield on the Tonight Show in the 60’s and 70’s. In fact, the comdian appeared on Johnny Carson’s show a total of 35 times. This might be one of his best appearances, however. You’ll laugh out loud when he says: …
This Rodney Dangerfield Its Not Easy Being Me special is one of many hilarious shows the comedian did at his comedy club, Dangerfield’s. Once Rodney Dangerfield hit the big time, he opened Dangerfield’s in New York City. The club is still open, and since it’s debut it has helped launch the careers of Jim Carrey, Roseanne Barr, and Jerry Seinfeld. Watch this Rodney Dangerfield Its Not Easy Being Me special for a handful of classic jokes from the comedian, such as “My wife isn’t so smart. She has to reach inside her bra to count to two,” or “I woke up the
This Rodney Dangerfield Its Not Easy Being Me special is one of many hilarious shows the comedian did at his comedy club, Dangerfield’s. Once Rodney Dangerfield hit the big time, he opened Dangerfield’s in New York City. The club is still open, and since it’s debut it …
This funny Rodney Dangerfield I Cant Take It No More video clip is an instant classic. Rodney Dangerfield is in classic form, and his jokes about his marriage as well as the way he looks are hilarious. One of the best lines from the Rodney Dangerfield I Cant Take It No More routine when he describes the first time he talked to his future on the phone. “She said come on over there’s nobody home. So, I went over and she was right…nobody was home.” Other hilarious lines lines include: “My wife is attached to a machine that keeps her alive…it’s called the refrigerator,” and “I
This funny Rodney Dangerfield I Cant Take It No More video clip is an instant classic. Rodney Dangerfield is in classic form, and his jokes about his marriage as well as the way he looks are hilarious. One of the best lines from the Rodney Dangerfield I Cant Take …
Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor impression clip from Eddie Murphy’s classic Raw video are so funny they are unreal. If you haven’t seen this, you have to. It is almost the perfect comedy bit because Eddie’s impersonation of Bill Cosby is so spot on (as is his impersonation of Richard Pryor), but it also is Eddie’s explanation of the cultural and generational differences between two of the most iconic African American comedians of our time. And of all time, actually. The bit is about how Bill Cosby called Eddie Murphy to tell him that he’s too dirty. Bill’s
Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor impression clip from Eddie Murphy’s classic Raw video are so funny they are unreal. If you haven’t seen this, you have to. It is almost the perfect comedy bit because Eddie’s impersonation of Bill Cosby is so spot …
When I was a kid, I’m not sure if there was anything funnier than this Bill Cosby Dentists clip from his comedy stand up Himself. This was possibly the funniest thing I had ever heard in my life. And as I got older, I think I know why. Not only does everyone hate the trip to the dentist (seriously, no one likes the dentist. No one.) So immediately you can relate to the nervousness everyone has about a trip to get their teeth worked on. But when he goes into the routine about getting the shot and having to try
When I was a kid, I’m not sure if there was anything funnier than this Bill Cosby Dentists clip from his comedy stand up Himself. This was possibly the funniest thing I had ever heard in my life. And as I got older, I think …
If you haven’t seen the classic Bill Cosby Stand Up Himself special, then you should clear your schedule, put your feet up and watch this classic comedy show immediately. Every kid I knew growing up had this either on record (yes, an album) or a cassette tape (yes, a cassette tape.) I used to wear this out and laugh til I cried as he went over classic bits like drunk people walking and talking, going to the dentist and of course the classic chocolate cake bit. One of my favorite as a kid was trying to learn the voice that
If you haven’t seen the classic Bill Cosby Stand Up Himself special, then you should clear your schedule, put your feet up and watch this classic comedy show immediately. Every kid I knew growing up had this either on record (yes, an album) or a …
This is the Bill Cosby brain damage stand up bit. We’re not sure how Bill Cosby’s wife felt about how having children changes you. It starts out with him talking about how his wife (before they had children) was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. But once they had children, her face changed. Her mouth started to droop and she lost her looks. It’s because of their children. And it’s because all children have brain damage. If you put a drink down they immediately start to drink it. You tell them not to and they immediately pick it
This is the Bill Cosby brain damage stand up bit. We’re not sure how Bill Cosby’s wife felt about how having children changes you. It starts out with him talking about how his wife (before they had children) was the most beautiful woman he has …
This is the classic Bill Cosby grandparents stand up bit that has made generations of comedy fans laugh until they cry. Bill talks about how his parents have changed from the time when he was a child to now, when they are grandparents. If he asked his dad for a nickel, he had to hear his life story and he ate dirt. He had to hear about how his dad used to walk to school each morning uphill both ways in the snow. And he was thankful. But now, when his parents comes to visit their grandchildren they hand out
This is the classic Bill Cosby grandparents stand up bit that has made generations of comedy fans laugh until they cry. Bill talks about how his parents have changed from the time when he was a child to now, when they are grandparents. If he …
This is a video of the luckiest unluckiest man who has ever lived on earth. And while we can’t completely 100% prove that, it’s going to be really hard to beat the life story of Frane Selak, an elderly music teacher from Croatia. He has truly earned the moniker of the world’s luckiest unluckiest man. Not only was he on a train accident, Frane was the only survivor which he suffered only a broken arm he swam to shore. Then, years later, he was on a plane that lost both engines and cabin pressure and began to fall to the
This is a video of the luckiest unluckiest man who has ever lived on earth. And while we can’t completely 100% prove that, it’s going to be really hard to beat the life story of Frane Selak, an elderly music teacher from Croatia. He has …