Have you ever seen a barking cat before? Well, now you have. This video is so weird I don’t know what to make of it. A cat is sitting in a window and clearly making a barking noise. We can’t tell what this barking cat is barking at. Or why it’s barking. But it’s making a barking sound as plain as day when it thinks no one is looking. When the cat turns around to see a human is right behind him, the barking cat seems to stop for a second, almost like he got caught or busted and looked
Have you ever seen a barking cat before? Well, now you have. This video is so weird I don’t know what to make of it. A cat is sitting in a window and clearly making a barking noise. We can’t tell what this barking cat …
This cat owl friendship is one of the most unlikely friendships I’ve ever seen in the animal kingdom. But this video proves it. This black cat and this very large owl seem to be the best of friends as they play in the forest and fields. It’s almost like the owl flies by the cat just close enough for the cat to jump up and try to tap him. The first time you see the beginning of this cat owl video it almost looks like the either one of these animals is going to hurt the other one. At first
This cat owl friendship is one of the most unlikely friendships I’ve ever seen in the animal kingdom. But this video proves it. This black cat and this very large owl seem to be the best of friends as they play in the forest and …
Augmented Reality, or Augdemented Reality as this video is called is very, very cool. A cartoon artist takes clear cellophane rectangles, draws on them and uses stop motion editing to create fun, cool and crazy scenes in what would normally be everyday, normal situations. According to the Youtube about section: Using a unique animation technique involving traditional animation cells and his iphone 5s, Hombre_mcsteez turns everyday life into an odd creature infested cartoon universe. It’s crazy that someone with a few clear pieces of cellophane, an iPhone 5 and a fair bit of time on his hands can create these magical
Augmented Reality, or Augdemented Reality as this video is called is very, very cool. A cartoon artist takes clear cellophane rectangles, draws on them and uses stop motion editing to create fun, cool and crazy scenes in what would normally be everyday, normal situations. According …
This Morgan Freeman helium video is hilarious. Morgan Freeman is known for his voice. He has done countless voiceovers in his career including everything from March of the Penguins to Through the Wormhole on the SciFi channel. In this episode, Morgan sucks in some helium before he does this segment to show off how funny his voice sounds when he’s inhaled some helium. After seeing this Morgan Freeman helium video I kind of wish someone would make a video of Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones both arguing about something hilarious while they are on helium. I’m not sure my
This Morgan Freeman helium video is hilarious. Morgan Freeman is known for his voice. He has done countless voiceovers in his career including everything from March of the Penguins to Through the Wormhole on the SciFi channel. In this episode, Morgan sucks in some helium …
Can you find the guilty dog in this video. Here’s a hint: he’s not hard to find because he is totally giving away his guilt with the sheepish look on his face and the fact that when asked who made the mess, the other two dogs totally rat him out by looking straight at him, almost as if to say “Uhh, he did it, Mom.” Not only is this dog being super bad at being casual when asked who made the mess, his body language gives it away. But his face also totally gives it away. It’s like he’s trying
Can you find the guilty dog in this video. Here’s a hint: he’s not hard to find because he is totally giving away his guilt with the sheepish look on his face and the fact that when asked who made the mess, the other two …
Few things are funnier than when celebrities read mean tweets about themselves. Jimmy Kimmel has found a gold mine of funny with his recurring series of very famous celebrities reading very mean tweets about themselves. And what makes this actually funny is that these tweets are actually mean. Like, no holding back mean. I’m surprised that some of these celebs would even read these on live television. Here are some of the best examples of when celebrities read mean tweets about themselves: Julia Roberts: There are people who think Julia Roberts is hot! Her gigantic mouth looks like it will devour
Few things are funnier than when celebrities read mean tweets about themselves. Jimmy Kimmel has found a gold mine of funny with his recurring series of very famous celebrities reading very mean tweets about themselves. And what makes this actually funny is that these tweets …
I don’t even know what to say except this is the worst parking attempt ever seen. Is that a BBQ smoker behind the truck? Is it an oven? It looks somewhat cooking related. I don’t know. But I do know that this not only start out really bad, but it gets worse. And then worse. And then even worse. I really don’t understand how a human being could be responsible for this. Why wouldn’t you stop? Why wouldn’t you get out and look? Maybe this driver wanted the title of the worst parking attempt ever? If that’s the case, well
I don’t even know what to say except this is the worst parking attempt ever seen. Is that a BBQ smoker behind the truck? Is it an oven? It looks somewhat cooking related. I don’t know. But I do know that this not only start …
There’s not a lot to say about this video of gerbils on record players. The title kind of speaks for itself. And it’s kind of the perfect video for the Internet. Someone who has some gerbils and a record player decided to combine the two to make this very, very Internet-ready video. I guess maybe the owner of these gerbils didn’t have the spinning wheel that gerbils seem to love so much, but realized that a record player is almost the same exact thing. Hence: the gerbils on record players video was born. We don’t suggest trying this at home,
There’s not a lot to say about this video of gerbils on record players. The title kind of speaks for itself. And it’s kind of the perfect video for the Internet. Someone who has some gerbils and a record player decided to combine the two …
This Nutella bathroom prank might take pranks a little too far. This troupe of pranksters recorded themselves on video in public bathroom stalls with a tub of Nutella chocolate sauce. The main pranker dips his fingers into the Nutella and he asks the guy in the bathroom stall next to his if he can spare some toilet paper or some paper towel because he’s out. And then when the guy hands him some toilet paper under the stall wall he proceeds to wipe a smear of brown Nutella onto his hand. And that’s how we have the Nutella bathroom prank.
This Nutella bathroom prank might take pranks a little too far. This troupe of pranksters recorded themselves on video in public bathroom stalls with a tub of Nutella chocolate sauce. The main pranker dips his fingers into the Nutella and he asks the guy in …
This compilation of a son scaring dad prank is kind of epic. Not only does he torment his poor father over and over again, he documents his dad’s jumpiness with the breadth of Ken Burns. He doesn’t just pull the son scaring dad prank once. But he pulls his seemingly hundreds and hundreds of times. And these are just the ones we have seen in this video. How many times did he frighten his poor dad before he realized he should start filming these chance encounters. It seems clear this family is from Scandinavia. There’s no description available on Youtube,
This compilation of a son scaring dad prank is kind of epic. Not only does he torment his poor father over and over again, he documents his dad’s jumpiness with the breadth of Ken Burns. He doesn’t just pull the son scaring dad prank once. …
A video of a dog in a bowling alley is pretty funny in it’s own right, but as soon as you see what happens to 7-year-old border collie Fant you’ll be rolling on the floor laughing. (And no, the dog does not get hurt). This hilarious video of a dog in a bowling alley is an instant classic. It takes a minute to get the to good part, but once you watch it all the way through you won’t regret that you did. Fant, the border collie who lives with his owner in Bergen, Norway, was at the Bergen Bowling
A video of a dog in a bowling alley is pretty funny in it’s own right, but as soon as you see what happens to 7-year-old border collie Fant you’ll be rolling on the floor laughing. (And no, the dog does not get hurt). This …
When’s the last time you heard a laughing parrot? Well, if you watch this hilarious video you can count that time as now! It’s hard to believe there’s a laughing parrot out there, but the guy in this video seems to have stumbled across one. I don’t know if this is a normal occurrence considering parrots DO like to mimic what they hear, but obviously this laughing parrot learned it from somewhere. And he does an amazing job recreating a human laugh in this video. I think if I owned a parrot I would get it to say extremely embarrassing things
When’s the last time you heard a laughing parrot? Well, if you watch this hilarious video you can count that time as now! It’s hard to believe there’s a laughing parrot out there, but the guy in this video seems to have stumbled across one. I …