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Video Shows Just How Bad Customer Service Is Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Man! I am so happy this video exposing how bad customer service is has finally come out! It's just proves what most of us have already suspected: That whenever you call a store to see if they have a product in stock and they tell you "no," the real answer is most likely "yes" but they were TOO LAZY to go and check so they just tell you "no" anyway! How frustrating is that?!

The problem with customer service is having employees who just don't care. And we're guessing it's because they don't work on commission, so if somebody doesn't buy a product it really doesn't matter to them at the end of the day and they can go about being terrible at customer service because they don't care. It's sad!

I think these big chain stores should come up with a way to incentivize these employees so they demonstrate better customer service. Like maybe they can be credited with points for finding a product a customer asked for over the phone, and the more points they receive the bigger reward/prize they get. And it can be a small prize, but at least it's something! I understand that most of these employees are barely making minimum wage, but what's the point of even having a brick and mortar store if they're not going to work hard to try and sustain it. Also, this most likely probably happens when you're IN the store and ask for a different size as well. How many times have you asked for something only to have an employee allegedly come back from the stock room empty-handed? I bet you if you went back there they would probably have the product. Sigh. At least it's exposed now!

Video Shows Just How Bad Customer Service Is

Man! I am so happy this video exposing how bad customer service is has finally come out! It’s just proves what most of us have already suspected: That whenever you call a store to see if they have a product in stock and they tell you “no,” the real answer is most likely “yes” but they were TOO LAZY to go and check so they just tell you “no” anyway! How frustrating is that?!

The problem with customer service is having employees who just don’t care. And we’re guessing it’s because they don’t work on commission, so if somebody doesn’t buy a product it really doesn’t matter to them at the end of the day and they can go about being terrible at customer service because they don’t care. It’s sad!

I think these big chain stores should come up with a way to incentivize these employees so they demonstrate better customer service. Like maybe they can be credited with points for finding a product a customer asked for over the phone, and the more points they receive the bigger reward/prize they get. And it can be a small prize, but at least it’s something! I understand that most of these employees are barely making minimum wage, but what’s the point of even having a brick and mortar store if they’re not going to work hard to try and sustain it. Also, this most likely probably happens when you’re IN the store and ask for a different size as well. How many times have you asked for something only to have an employee allegedly come back from the stock room empty-handed? I bet you if you went back there they would probably have the product. Sigh. At least it’s exposed now!

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