These top 15 funniest prom proposals - or promposals as they are called - are kind of impossible to say no to. You have to hand it to these kids who have decided not to mail it in when it comes to asking their significant other, or plain old crush to the prom. We're not sure how many of these funniest prom proposals were successful, but it would be a crime if it wasn't 100% of them. I know high school is a tough place where the cliques and the bullies are brutal, but c'mon, how could you say no to someone who tied their prom proposal around a goat's neck? Or to a cute girl who dressed herself up as a zombie and told her wannabe prom date to use his brains.
Out of all of them, the best one might be the kid who put a bunch of Hershey Kisses on the ground with the note that said, "Now that I've "kissed" the ground you walk on, will you go to prom with me?" That may qualify as more brilliant prom proposals instead of the funniest prom proposals ever. (But we'll cut it some slack and let it be on both.)
Either way we hand it to all these high school kids who went the extra mile to make their high school prom something a little more creative and fun than usual.
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The Top 15 Funniest Prom Proposals

More poems need to be donut-related.

These top 15 funniest prom proposals - or promposals as they are called - are kind of impossible to say no to. You have to hand it to these kids who have decided not to mail it in when it comes to asking their significant other, or plain old crush to the prom. We're not sure how many of these funniest prom proposals were successful, but it would be a crime if it wasn't 100% of them. I know high school is a tough place where the cliques and the bullies are brutal, but c'mon, how could you say no to someone who tied their prom proposal around a goat's neck? Or to a cute girl who dressed herself up as a zombie and told her wannabe prom date to use his brains.
Out of all of them, the best one might be the kid who put a bunch of Hershey Kisses on the ground with the note that said, "Now that I've "kissed" the ground you walk on, will you go to prom with me?" That may qualify as more brilliant prom proposals instead of the funniest prom proposals ever. (But we'll cut it some slack and let it be on both.)
Either way we hand it to all these high school kids who went the extra mile to make their high school prom something a little more creative and fun than usual.
Check out more funny pictures!