There’s nothing funny about death, but for some reasons these funny tombstones at least make light of it. Some of these funny tombstones are intentionally funny…it’s just the deceased’s names that make them really hilarious (RIP). And while it might not be nice to laugh at a dead person’s name, we would hope they are looking down on us and realize we are laughing WITH them and not at them. Or at least we hope so. For the funny tombstones NOT having to do with someones name (like Butts, Weed, Pancakes, Dumfart, Schwing, etc.), there are some really funny
Funny Tombstones

There’s nothing funny about death, but for some reasons these funny tombstones at least make light of it. Some of these funny tombstones are intentionally funny…it’s just the deceased’s names that make them really hilarious (RIP). And while it might not be nice to …