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Funny Toddler Shouts at Her Parents Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

We're not sure if this toddler singing Frozen is adorable or just kind of scary. She's making us nervous!

In this video you see a seemingly innocent and adorable little girl start to break out into a song from Frozen. As she does her parents start laughing, and this toddler singing Frozen is having NONE of it.

As you can see in the subtitles (they're British or Scottish and it's hard to understand them) she gets ANGRY. The toddler singing Frozen starts saying hilarious things like "Be careful now" and "I'm warning you" to her parents who can't stop laughing.

"You're going to choke," she says before adding things like "Nobody will ever see you again" and "Is that what you want?"

Now I know this video is hilarious and adorable, but a part of me is thinking this little girl is the next world leader...and maybe not a nice one at that!

I'm hoping her parents FINALLY stopped laughing at her (even though her getting angry only made them laugh some more), because frankly we're a little worried what this little princess's next moves were. If you ask us she might be taking the term "Ice Queen" a little too literally!

Ahh, we kid! (Kind of)

Funny Toddler Shouts at Her Parents

We’re not sure if this toddler singing Frozen is adorable or just kind of scary. She’s making us nervous!

In this video you see a seemingly innocent and adorable little girl start to break out into a song from Frozen. As she does her parents start laughing, and this toddler singing Frozen is having NONE of it.

As you can see in the subtitles (they’re British or Scottish and it’s hard to understand them) she gets ANGRY. The toddler singing Frozen starts saying hilarious things like “Be careful now” and “I’m warning you” to her parents who can’t stop laughing.

“You’re going to choke,” she says before adding things like “Nobody will ever see you again” and “Is that what you want?”

Now I know this video is hilarious and adorable, but a part of me is thinking this little girl is the next world leader…and maybe not a nice one at that!

I’m hoping her parents FINALLY stopped laughing at her (even though her getting angry only made them laugh some more), because frankly we’re a little worried what this little princess’s next moves were. If you ask us she might be taking the term “Ice Queen” a little too literally!

Ahh, we kid! (Kind of)

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