This deep fried turkey disaster video is only funny because nobody got hurt. But otherwise we can’t help but say “Dude! What were you thinking?!” However, after you take a moment to stop being mad at the guy (not only for clearly ruining an expensive turkey but for almost setting the entire neighborhood on fire), this fried turkey disaster is actually pretty funny. This homemade turkey fryer was clearly not put together properly…but the thing is most of the homemade ones never are (you can check out the results in our Thanksgiving Fails gallery). Why are people so obsessed with
This deep fried turkey disaster video is only funny because nobody got hurt. But otherwise we can’t help but say “Dude! What were you thinking?!” However, after you take a moment to stop being mad at the guy (not only for clearly ruining an expensive …
Thanksgiving fails are way more common than you think. That’s because most of the 911 calls on Thanksgiving come from people who have attempted to do the elusive deep fry on their turkey…and guess what? It almost never ends well! Also, I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a deep fried turkey and it tastes pretty much the same as a regular turkey, except you don’t have those pesky ol’ fire hazards. While deep fried turkey accidents are in this Thanksgiving fails gallery, there are also some very well-done turkeys that it turns out are pretty fun to look at.
Thanksgiving fails are way more common than you think. That’s because most of the 911 calls on Thanksgiving come from people who have attempted to do the elusive deep fry on their turkey…and guess what? It almost never ends well! Also, I don’t know about …