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This Teacup Pig Video is Best Thing You’ll See All Year Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos
Seriously, this teacup pig is so friggin' cute I almost died from cuteness overload. YES. I DID.

Is there anything in the world better than a teacup pig? If there is, then it's got to be this video of a teacup pig doing a backflip over a dog. I mean, I can't handle the adorableness.

It seems like everybody these days owns a teacup pig except me, and this has to be fixed immediately. Also known as micro pigs, these teacup pigs have caused a bit of an Internet stir the past couple years. From dressing them up in tiny boots to making funny dating memes from cute stock photos of them, teacup pigs are definitely having their day in the tiny sun. And rightfully so, my friends. No animal is cuter.

If you didn't believe that before you will as soon as you watch this video. In the video the tiny black teacup pig makes one giant leap for small animals everywhere when he jumps over a doberman pinscher and lands perfectly on his tiny little feet. The owner cant' help but laugh as she films the video as I'm sure owners of teacup pigs do every single day of their lives. Sigh.

This Teacup Pig Video is Best Thing You’ll See All Year

Seriously, this teacup pig is so friggin’ cute I almost died from cuteness overload. YES. I DID.

Is there anything in the world better than a teacup pig? If there is, then it’s got to be this video of a teacup pig doing a backflip over a dog. I mean, I can’t handle the adorableness.

It seems like everybody these days owns a teacup pig except me, and this has to be fixed immediately. Also known as micro pigs, these teacup pigs have caused a bit of an Internet stir the past couple years. From dressing them up in tiny boots to making funny dating memes from cute stock photos of them, teacup pigs are definitely having their day in the tiny sun. And rightfully so, my friends. No animal is cuter.

If you didn’t believe that before you will as soon as you watch this video. In the video the tiny black teacup pig makes one giant leap for small animals everywhere when he jumps over a doberman pinscher and lands perfectly on his tiny little feet. The owner cant’ help but laugh as she films the video as I’m sure owners of teacup pigs do every single day of their lives. Sigh.

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