You know a greeting card fail when you see one, and these 16 examples definitely qualify.
We won't call out any greeting card manufacturer in particular (we would NEVER do that, right?!), but some of these are just downright weird, not to mention inappropriate. Now granted, a lot of these greeting card fails are a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the other ones? You know which ones you are. You guys are just crazy, man.
Take a look at these greeting card fails and prepare to have a good laugh. Some of them take longer to spot than others, but once you see them they are definitely there. While looking at this gallery is hysterical, we imagine it would have been even more hysterical to actually be there when the recipient of these greeting card fails opened that fated envelope and saw what was inside. We're hoping they laughed, but you never know. The card-giver might have had to go out and buy an "I'm Sorry" card immediately after! Though maybe not from the same company.
From the definitely inappropriate sexual innuendoes to the terrible placement of wording, these greeting card fails are definitely worthy of a stamp.
16 Super Funny Greeting Card Fails

You know a greeting card fail when you see one, and these 16 examples definitely qualify.
We won't call out any greeting card manufacturer in particular (we would NEVER do that, right?!), but some of these are just downright weird, not to mention inappropriate. Now granted, a lot of these greeting card fails are a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But the other ones? You know which ones you are. You guys are just crazy, man.
Take a look at these greeting card fails and prepare to have a good laugh. Some of them take longer to spot than others, but once you see them they are definitely there. While looking at this gallery is hysterical, we imagine it would have been even more hysterical to actually be there when the recipient of these greeting card fails opened that fated envelope and saw what was inside. We're hoping they laughed, but you never know. The card-giver might have had to go out and buy an "I'm Sorry" card immediately after! Though maybe not from the same company.
From the definitely inappropriate sexual innuendoes to the terrible placement of wording, these greeting card fails are definitely worthy of a stamp.