File this "Snapcat" under Reason No. 1,450,756 that I need a cat right friggin' now!!
In case you're not familiar with what snapcat is, it's the creation of a clearly very talented and gift girl who likes to take photos of her cat in Snapchat and then place it in very comical situations with the Snapchat tools.
She likes to call her Snapchat cat masterpieces snapcat, which we think is pretty much the best name ever for this project. It also makes Snapchat somewhat tolerable considering used to seem like one of the most worthless inventions ever until snapcat came along.
Enjoy this gallery of some of snapcat's best work. There are some real finds here, including one of snapcat being sentenced for mousey murder. Also a wanted sign of snapcat that says "Bitch Cat Wanted." Or snapcat getting mauled by an alligator. Or working 9-to-5 at a boring desk job. Our favorite however might be the one where snapcat gets caught watching Kitty Porn but doesn't really seem to give a rat's ass because he's a cat. And then again he might considering the one where he's being roasted over a fire and probably begging for another one of his nine lives.
Snapcat is AMAZING

File this "Snapcat" under Reason No. 1,450,756 that I need a cat right friggin' now!!
In case you're not familiar with what snapcat is, it's the creation of a clearly very talented and gift girl who likes to take photos of her cat in Snapchat and then place it in very comical situations with the Snapchat tools.
She likes to call her Snapchat cat masterpieces snapcat, which we think is pretty much the best name ever for this project. It also makes Snapchat somewhat tolerable considering used to seem like one of the most worthless inventions ever until snapcat came along.
Enjoy this gallery of some of snapcat's best work. There are some real finds here, including one of snapcat being sentenced for mousey murder. Also a wanted sign of snapcat that says "Bitch Cat Wanted." Or snapcat getting mauled by an alligator. Or working 9-to-5 at a boring desk job. Our favorite however might be the one where snapcat gets caught watching Kitty Porn but doesn't really seem to give a rat's ass because he's a cat. And then again he might considering the one where he's being roasted over a fire and probably begging for another one of his nine lives.