Yes. Roommate shaming is a thing and we have to say we really, really, like it.
In case you weren't familiar with dog shaming, it's where owners put confessions on a piece of paper and hold them up in front of the dog before taking a photo and posting it for all the world to see. There is also kid shaming/baby shaming which is equally as awesome.
But roommate shaming has taken it to a whole other level. Mostly because if you've ever had a roommate you know just how irritating they can be. From leaving a pizza in an oven all night to never taking out the trash to clogging up a drain and NEVER cleaning it, roommates can be pretty gross. Which is why we love these hilarious roommate shaming photos.
While roommate shaming is now making the rounds across Reddit, Imgur, Facebook, and Twitter, we think the next trend to take off will be husband or wife shaming. While we hope it stays G-rated, we could see how that could get really interesting. Or what about boss shaming? Or In-law shaming? Or best friend shaming? There are so many possibilities we don't even know where to begin.
Roommate Shaming is the New Dog Shaming

Yes. Roommate shaming is a thing and we have to say we really, really, like it.
In case you weren't familiar with dog shaming, it's where owners put confessions on a piece of paper and hold them up in front of the dog before taking a photo and posting it for all the world to see. There is also kid shaming/baby shaming which is equally as awesome.
But roommate shaming has taken it to a whole other level. Mostly because if you've ever had a roommate you know just how irritating they can be. From leaving a pizza in an oven all night to never taking out the trash to clogging up a drain and NEVER cleaning it, roommates can be pretty gross. Which is why we love these hilarious roommate shaming photos.
While roommate shaming is now making the rounds across Reddit, Imgur, Facebook, and Twitter, we think the next trend to take off will be husband or wife shaming. While we hope it stays G-rated, we could see how that could get really interesting. Or what about boss shaming? Or In-law shaming? Or best friend shaming? There are so many possibilities we don't even know where to begin.