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rodney dangerfield

The 50 Best Comedies Ever Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures ,,,,

These are the 50 best comedies ever. This is one man’s opinion, but I watch a lot of movies and I love comedies. Feel free to disagree and tell me what I forgot in the comments. 50. Wet Hot American Summer (2001) It seems like WHAS is on almost every underrated comedy list that has ever appeared on the Internet. We say it deserves to get off the underrated list and make best comedies ever list here. If you haven’t seen it, go see it now. It’s hilarious. 49. CB4 (1993) If there’s one blank spot on Chris Rock’s resume it’s a lack

The 50 Best Comedies Ever

These are the 50 best comedies ever. This is one man’s opinion, but I watch a lot of movies and I love comedies. Feel free to disagree and tell me what I forgot in the comments. 50. Wet Hot American Summer (2001) It seems like WHAS …
38 Funny Rodney Dangerfield Jokes and One-Liners Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Jokes Quotes

These funny Rodney Dangerfield jokes and one-liners are some of the comedian’s best material. We put together this collection of classic and hilarious Rodney Dangerfield jokes to honor the late comedian, who is one of the best of all-time. While Rodney Dangerfield loved to say he “got no respect,” that was not the case when it came to being one of the world’s funniest comedians. Click through the funny jokes and one-liners below, and check out the Rodney Dangerfield profile page on Dose of Funny to get even more jokes, quotes, and funny photos of the comedian, all in one place. I tell

38 Funny Rodney Dangerfield Jokes and One-Liners

During sex, my wife always wants to talk to me. Just the other night she called me from a hotel.

17 Funny Rodney Dangerfield Quotes Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures ,

These funny Rodney Dangerfield quotes are just a few of the comedian’s best lines from his stand-up routine that spanned over 20 years. Rodney Dangerfield was one of the best comedians of our time, leaving his mark on the stage with jokes that stand the test of time. Chances are you’ve heard a few of these funny Rodney Dangerfield quotes before, and if you haven’t you’re in for a real treat. What few people know about Rodney Dangerfield is that his comedy club, Dangerfield’s, is still open in New York City, and has helped launch the careers of comedians such

17 Funny Rodney Dangerfield Quotes

These funny Rodney Dangerfield quotes are just a few of the comedian’s best lines from his stand-up routine that spanned over 20 years. Rodney Dangerfield was one of the best comedians of our time, leaving his mark on the stage with jokes that stand the …
Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack is one of the best moments from the movie. The comedian plays Al Czervik, an outspoken (and hilarious) tycoon who manages to insult everybody he encounters at the Bushwood Country Club, but that just makes him all the more awesome. In this video clip Rodney Dangerfield is eating dinner at the Bushwood Country Club and complaining about the food. “This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it,” he said. There’s also another hilarious Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack moment when he sees an older woman at the country club and says “You must have

Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack

Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack is one of the best moments from the movie. The comedian plays Al Czervik, an outspoken (and hilarious) tycoon who manages to insult everybody he encounters at the Bushwood Country Club, but that just makes him all the more awesome. In …
Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive from Back to School is one of the all-time greatest scenes from any comedy. Rodney Dangerfield plays Thorton Melon, a successful business man who goes back to school at his son’s college when he sees his son having a hard time at school. Everybody at the college loves Thorton Melon, and while he thinks he can buy his way into having good grades, he learns by the end of the movie that college takes dedication and actual studying. Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive from Back to School is one of my favorite scenes from the

Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive

Rodney Dangerfield’s Triple Lindy Dive from Back to School is one of the all-time greatest scenes from any comedy. Rodney Dangerfield plays Thorton Melon, a successful business man who goes back to school at his son’s college when he sees his son having a hard …
Rodney Dangerfield on The Tonight Show Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

It wasn’t uncommon to see Rodney Dangerfield on the Tonight Show in the 60’s and 70’s. In fact, the comdian appeared on Johnny Carson’s show a total of 35 times. This might be one of his best appearances, however. You’ll laugh out loud when he says: “My doctor told me to run 5 miles a day for two weeks. I called him up and said ‘Doctor, I’m 70 miles away from my house.” Another favorite is “Last week I met the surgeon general. He offered me a cigarette.” Dangerfield also jokes about his wife and kids in this clip. “Last week

Rodney Dangerfield on The Tonight Show

It wasn’t uncommon to see Rodney Dangerfield on the Tonight Show in the 60’s and 70’s. In fact, the comdian appeared on Johnny Carson’s show a total of 35 times. This might be one of his best appearances, however. You’ll laugh out loud when he says: …
Rodney Dangerfield Its Not Easy Being Me Special Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This Rodney Dangerfield Its Not Easy Being Me special is one of many hilarious shows the comedian did at his comedy club, Dangerfield’s. Once Rodney Dangerfield hit the big time, he opened Dangerfield’s in New York City. The club is still open, and since it’s debut it has helped launch the careers of Jim Carrey, Roseanne Barr, and Jerry Seinfeld. Watch this Rodney Dangerfield Its Not Easy Being Me special for a handful of classic jokes from the comedian, such as “My wife isn’t so smart. She has to reach inside her bra to count to two,” or “I woke up the

Rodney Dangerfield Its Not Easy Being Me Special

This Rodney Dangerfield Its Not Easy Being Me special is one of many hilarious shows the comedian did at his comedy club, Dangerfield’s. Once Rodney Dangerfield hit the big time, he opened Dangerfield’s in New York City. The club is still open, and since it’s debut it …
Funny Rodney Dangerfield I Cant Take It No More Video Clip Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This funny Rodney Dangerfield I Cant Take It No More video clip is an instant classic. Rodney Dangerfield is in classic form, and his jokes about his marriage as well as the way he looks are hilarious. One of the best lines from the Rodney Dangerfield I Cant Take It No More routine when he describes the first time he talked to his future on the phone. “She said come on over there’s nobody home. So, I went over and she was right…nobody was home.” Other hilarious lines lines include: “My wife is attached to a machine that keeps her alive…it’s called the refrigerator,” and “I

Funny Rodney Dangerfield I Cant Take It No More Video Clip

This funny Rodney Dangerfield I Cant Take It No More video clip is an instant classic. Rodney Dangerfield is in classic form, and his jokes about his marriage as well as the way he looks are hilarious. One of the best lines from the Rodney Dangerfield I Cant Take …

Rodney Dangerfield Funny Sandbox Quote

I was such an ugly kid. When I played in the sandbox the cat kept trying to cover me up.- Rodney Dangerfield Funny Sandbox Quote Click here for more funny quotes

Rodney Dangerfield Funny Quote

I told my wife the truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender.-Rodney Dangerfield