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Road Rage Motorcyclist Gets Instant Karma Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

It looks like this motorcyclist fought Newton's law, and Newton's law won!

A fit of road rage overcame a motorcyclist driving down the freeway recently, and he got a big dose of karma in return. While we can't see what happened immediately before this incident, what we do know is that the motorcyclist and the car got into some kind of issue with one another...perhaps the car cut off the motorcyclist or vice versa. Whatever happened, the motorcyclist got mad and tried to hit the SUV with his leg. That clearly didn't work because as soon as he tried kicking the car, he lost his balance and fell off the bike.

Now we don't know a lot about motorcycles, but we do know that if you try to kick something while driving on one, you are probably going to lose your balance. Thankfully this motorcyclist didn't appear to have anything more than a bruised ego since he got up and picked up his bike after falling off of it...but we do think he was pretty stupid to try and kick a car...especially an SUV. What did he think was going to happen to it?

Whatever the story was....just remember to not try this at home, kids!

Road Rage Motorcyclist Gets Instant Karma

It looks like this motorcyclist fought Newton’s law, and Newton’s law won!

A fit of road rage overcame a motorcyclist driving down the freeway recently, and he got a big dose of karma in return. While we can’t see what happened immediately before this incident, what we do know is that the motorcyclist and the car got into some kind of issue with one another…perhaps the car cut off the motorcyclist or vice versa. Whatever happened, the motorcyclist got mad and tried to hit the SUV with his leg. That clearly didn’t work because as soon as he tried kicking the car, he lost his balance and fell off the bike.

Now we don’t know a lot about motorcycles, but we do know that if you try to kick something while driving on one, you are probably going to lose your balance. Thankfully this motorcyclist didn’t appear to have anything more than a bruised ego since he got up and picked up his bike after falling off of it…but we do think he was pretty stupid to try and kick a car…especially an SUV. What did he think was going to happen to it?

Whatever the story was….just remember to not try this at home, kids!

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