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Richard Pryor

Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor Bit Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,,

Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor impression clip from Eddie Murphy’s classic Raw video are so funny they are unreal. If you haven’t seen this, you have to. It is almost the perfect comedy bit because Eddie’s impersonation of Bill Cosby is so spot on (as is his impersonation of Richard Pryor), but it also is Eddie’s explanation of the cultural and generational differences between two of the most iconic African American comedians of our time. And of all time, actually. The bit is about how Bill Cosby called Eddie Murphy to tell him that he’s too dirty. Bill’s

Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor Bit

Eddie Murphy’s Bill Cosby and Richard Pryor impression clip from Eddie Murphy’s classic Raw video are so funny they are unreal. If you haven’t seen this, you have to. It is almost the perfect comedy bit because Eddie’s impersonation of Bill Cosby is so spot …
18 Funny and Real Richard Pryor Quotes Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Quotes

Richard Pryor is one of the funniest comedians of all time. So we’re going to give you some of his funniest and most poignant quotes and jokes of all time. Some of these were when he was looking back on his life. Others were some from his act. This is a hodge podge of Richard Pryor quotes being honest, hilarious and sometimes both. 18. Marriage is really tough because you have to deal with feelings… and lawyers. 17. I believe the ability to think is blessed. If you can think about a situation, you can deal with

18 Funny and Real Richard Pryor Quotes

12. I went to penitentiary one time, not me personally, but me and Gene went there for a movie.Arizona State Penitentiary, population 90 percent black people. But there are no black people in Arizona. They have to bus motherf***ers in!
Richard Pryor Jokes and Memes Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Pictures

Richard Pryor needs more memes. There, I said it. I see much, much lesser comedians with their words slapped all over their photos on Reddit and Buzzfeed. But why hasn’t Richard Pryor had his day in the meme sun yet? He’s got more material than almost anyone else. He also happens to be one of the funniest comedians to ever walk the earth. But there’s a criminally small amount of memes and photos of Richard Pryor jokes and quotes. The man changed the way comedy was used. He did things no one else had ever done with a microphone before.

Richard Pryor Jokes and Memes

Richard Pryor needs more memes. There, I said it. I see much, much lesser comedians with their words slapped all over their photos on Reddit and Buzzfeed. But why hasn’t Richard Pryor had his day in the meme sun yet? He’s got more material than …
The Best of Richard Pryor Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,,

It’s probably a bad idea to try and roast Richard Pryor if you don’t have a thick skin. Because as you can see in this clip of Richard Pryor responding to the stand ups and comedians at his roast. But what’s amazing about this clip is you can see that this is Richard Pryor just riffing. And he MURDERS. This is not a practiced act. This is just Richard Pryor making fun of his good friends. And this is easily one of the funniest comedy clips you’ll ever see. Not only does he call one of his friends “a big

The Best of Richard Pryor

It’s probably a bad idea to try and roast Richard Pryor if you don’t have a thick skin. Because as you can see in this clip of Richard Pryor responding to the stand ups and comedians at his roast. But what’s amazing about this clip …
Richard Pryor Funny Clip: The Jungle Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Richard Pryor is a comedy God. And this clip about his trip to the jungle is proof that he was decades ahead of his time. This is Richard Pryor funny (yes, there is such a thing as Richard Pryor funny) because he takes something like a trip to the jungle and he kind of creates LOLCats. I know, that sounds crazy, but that’s how far ahead of his time Richard Pryor was. Think about it, this was the 70s, long before the Internet and memes and Icanhazcheezburgers, but Richard took what he saw on his jungle trip and gave the animals

Richard Pryor Funny Clip: The Jungle

Richard Pryor is a comedy God. And this clip about his trip to the jungle is proof that he was decades ahead of his time. This is Richard Pryor funny (yes, there is such a thing as Richard Pryor funny) because he takes something like a …
Richard Pryor Jokes Never Get Old Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Richard Pryor was the king of comedy. This clip is off his classic comedy record called That N***er’s Crazy. In this video clip, Richard Pryor talks about what Dracula would have to deal with if he was black. As well as the classic bit about how only white people are afraid of aliens and flying saucers. Black people would try to warn aliens if they ever landed or start to ask them how much gas it took to fly up into space. Also included is his fear of fighting bit from when he was in Peoria. This comedy album set

Richard Pryor Jokes Never Get Old

Richard Pryor was the king of comedy. This clip is off his classic comedy record called That N***er’s Crazy. In this video clip, Richard Pryor talks about what Dracula would have to deal with if he was black. As well as the classic bit about …
Richard Pryor Takes Down A Heckler Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Richard Pryor shows off his skewering skills in this classic stand up comedy video clip. As he talks about cleaning up his life and getting off drinking, someone in the crowd questions the statement that he has been clean and sober for over a year. While the guy in the crowd yells out that he doesn’t believe it, Richard Pryor comes back with, “Well, you don’t have to believe because you’re drunk yourself.” The crowd responds with a loud chorus of cheers. But they don’t stop there. For some reason this sets off more in the audience to yell things

Richard Pryor Takes Down A Heckler

Richard Pryor shows off his skewering skills in this classic stand up comedy video clip. As he talks about cleaning up his life and getting off drinking, someone in the crowd questions the statement that he has been clean and sober for over a year. …
Richard Pryor High on Cocaine Clip Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This Richard Pryor high on cocaine clip is a peek into the manic insanity that was Richard Pryor’s life. The sad truth about a lot of comedians, is what makes them funny are the dark demons that haunt them their whole life. His history of drug abuse is well documented, and there’s a good chance that we have seen him high without knowing it, but this time it is clear that he has been doing cocaine before they started filming. In this interview he had just finished shooting a movie with Gene Wilder which Richard Pryor was paid two million

Richard Pryor High on Cocaine Clip

This Richard Pryor high on cocaine clip is a peek into the manic insanity that was Richard Pryor’s life. The sad truth about a lot of comedians, is what makes them funny are the dark demons that haunt them their whole life. His history of …