This Eddie Murphy Michael Jackson scene kicks off Raw, his epically hilarious stand up special from 1987. This was back when Eddie Murphy ruled the comedy landscape. There was no one nearly as funny as he was since Richard Pryor, and arguably no one since has been anywhere close to as funny. From his movies of this era and his stand up specials (both Raw and Delirious) Eddie Murphy put together a body of work that is almost untouchable. This video clip of the beginning of his special Raw kicks off with a hilarious skit and then goes right into
This Eddie Murphy Michael Jackson scene kicks off Raw, his epically hilarious stand up special from 1987. This was back when Eddie Murphy ruled the comedy landscape. There was no one nearly as funny as he was since Richard Pryor, and arguably no one since …
These funny Eddie Murphy quotes will have you not only laughing, but thinking. Eddie Murphy is an American comedy icon. He’s been around forever, and he has created some of the greatest characters and scenes in comedic history. He’s seen the comedy landscape evolve and these funny Eddie Murphy quotes range from things that will make you laugh, but also think. He’s been in an interesting position, being one of the most famous black actors in America who became an icon before the advent of the Internet while still staying relevant long after the world wide web changed the way
There aren’t enough Eddie Murphy funny pictures and meme on the Internet. Eddie Murphy is one of the funniest comedians in the history of the world. Well, at least in the history of the world that we all remember. But he came up before the Internet. Could you imagine if he released Raw now? Or Coming to America came out in 2014? It would spawn more memes and funny pictures than Reddit could post. Between all these movies and quotes and epic one liners from a comedy master would play so well on the Internet. The younger crowds may only
There aren’t enough Eddie Murphy funny pictures and meme on the Internet. Eddie Murphy is one of the funniest comedians in the history of the world. Well, at least in the history of the world that we all remember. But he came up before the …
The Eddie Murphy Raw marriage bit may be the best bit in this entire stand up special. And that’s saying something because Raw is one of the funniest stand up specials in the history of comedy. But this scene is amazing. Eddie has decided that it’s time to get married. He found the love of his life, until he’s at the grocery store and sees a tabloid with a sad Johnny Carson and a happy ex-wife who had gotten half of his money. Half! Since Johnny Carson had $300 million he had to give $150 to his now ex-wife. Half!
The Eddie Murphy Raw marriage bit may be the best bit in this entire stand up special. And that’s saying something because Raw is one of the funniest stand up specials in the history of comedy. But this scene is amazing. Eddie has decided that …
This Eddie Murphy Rocky scene from Raw is hilarious. Eddie’s take on Italians after they have seen the movie Rocky is so spot on, it’s still funny to this day. Because let’s face it, it’s true. Italians are proud people, and Rocky is their hero. The Italian Stallion who came out of nowhere to win the heavyweight championship as a heavily favored underdog. So, of course, after an Italian walks out of the movie theater having just seen Rocky, they are strutting around like a peacock and screaming “Alright Rocko!” “Alright Sly!” at the top of their lungs. And then
This Eddie Murphy Rocky scene from Raw is hilarious. Eddie’s take on Italians after they have seen the movie Rocky is so spot on, it’s still funny to this day. Because let’s face it, it’s true. Italians are proud people, and Rocky is their hero. …
This Eddie Murphy McDonald’s bit from his epic comedy special Raw is a classic. The story that every kid who grew up in America could relate to. When you’re young, McDonald’s is the end all be all of food. You don’t care how it’s made, or what it’s made of, you just know that it is the greatest thing in the world and when you see other kids eating McDonald’s, you want it more than anything else. But Eddie’s story is about asking his grandma is she can take him to McDonald’s but she has something much better planned, her own
This Eddie Murphy McDonald’s bit from his epic comedy special Raw is a classic. The story that every kid who grew up in America could relate to. When you’re young, McDonald’s is the end all be all of food. You don’t care how it’s made, or …