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This Pit Bull Loves Bubbles! Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

In this adorable video a pit bull named Diesel shows off how much he loves bubbles! And we have to say, he likes them. A LOT.

Watch as his owners blow bubbles and pit bull Diesel jumps around like crazy trying to get them. He's like a kid in a candy shop. Except the candy is behind glass and it's impossible to get at it so instead you just try to jump in over and over and over again.

It's adorable to watch as pit bull Diesel tries to grab the bubbles with his mouth. I mean, this dog really has some moves! He loves to bounce around and jump into the air trying to snag one of those delicious bubbles. Or at least he must think they're delicious. Otherwise we don't know what all that effort would be for. :)

We're on a roll with the dog videos lately, and we love sharing them! If you have any adorable videos as cute as this one of pit bull Diesel, send them our way using the contact form on the site. We love hearing from fans and having you share our videos on Facebook. And if you like the video, let us know in the comments section below!



This Pit Bull Loves Bubbles!

In this adorable video a pit bull named Diesel shows off how much he loves bubbles! And we have to say, he likes them. A LOT.

Watch as his owners blow bubbles and pit bull Diesel jumps around like crazy trying to get them. He’s like a kid in a candy shop. Except the candy is behind glass and it’s impossible to get at it so instead you just try to jump in over and over and over again.

It’s adorable to watch as pit bull Diesel tries to grab the bubbles with his mouth. I mean, this dog really has some moves! He loves to bounce around and jump into the air trying to snag one of those delicious bubbles. Or at least he must think they’re delicious. Otherwise we don’t know what all that effort would be for. 🙂

We’re on a roll with the dog videos lately, and we love sharing them! If you have any adorable videos as cute as this one of pit bull Diesel, send them our way using the contact form on the site. We love hearing from fans and having you share our videos on Facebook. And if you like the video, let us know in the comments section below!



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