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This Panda is Adorably Excited to See Snow! Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Cue the 'Awwwwws!" You'll go into cuteness overdrive when you watch the video above of a giant panda that is SO excited to play in the snow.

The Toronto Zoo's giant panda Da Mao was what you might call 'bear-bogganing' in his outdoor exhibit. He was so excited to see the snow that the panda just wanted to frolic in it all day long. Who can blame him?!

Why the people of U.S. cities might not be as excited as this panda at all the snow they've been getting lately, one look at this panda and you'll want to run out and play in the snow immediately. Or wish that you lived in a chillier climate. Eh, maybe not!

Whatever the case watching this panda has clearly warmed our hearts a bit and we hope it warms yours too. Do you have a panda video you want to share with us? Leave a link in the comments section below or paste it on our Facebook page. In the meantime we'll be watching this video over and over today, wishing that we could go to the Toronto zoo and snuggle with Da Mao the panda. He's really got a way to melt our hearts!

This Panda is Adorably Excited to See Snow!

Cue the ‘Awwwwws!” You’ll go into cuteness overdrive when you watch the video above of a giant panda that is SO excited to play in the snow.

The Toronto Zoo’s giant panda Da Mao was what you might call ‘bear-bogganing’ in his outdoor exhibit. He was so excited to see the snow that the panda just wanted to frolic in it all day long. Who can blame him?!

Why the people of U.S. cities might not be as excited as this panda at all the snow they’ve been getting lately, one look at this panda and you’ll want to run out and play in the snow immediately. Or wish that you lived in a chillier climate. Eh, maybe not!

Whatever the case watching this panda has clearly warmed our hearts a bit and we hope it warms yours too. Do you have a panda video you want to share with us? Leave a link in the comments section below or paste it on our Facebook page. In the meantime we’ll be watching this video over and over today, wishing that we could go to the Toronto zoo and snuggle with Da Mao the panda. He’s really got a way to melt our hearts!

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