Considering everyone and their mother is on Facebook these days, it's not surprising to see posts from old people on their younger relatives' newsfeeds. What's so hilarious about those posts, however, is that they clarify just hot little old people know about social media, and in particular Facebook. We don't want to make fun of them, but old people on Facebook are so darn funny! And the thing is we don't blame them. We can see how not growing up with Facebook (or a computer) and trying to learn how to use it for the first time in your golden years would be not only frustrating but super complicated. Hell, most young people don't even know how to talk on the phone these days or check voicemail, so it's kind of the same thing. Or it could be like trying to explain to a young person what a postage stamp is for. Anyway, these social media fails from old people are classic and should be enjoyed the same way you would enjoy a nicely, well-aged bottle of wine. Slowly and with a lot of patience and with a smile on your face. Do you have an old people social media fail? Share it with us!
Old People on Facebook are Hilarious

Considering everyone and their mother is on Facebook these days, it's not surprising to see posts from old people on their younger relatives' newsfeeds. What's so hilarious about those posts, however, is that they clarify just hot little old people know about social media, and in particular Facebook. We don't want to make fun of them, but old people on Facebook are so darn funny! And the thing is we don't blame them. We can see how not growing up with Facebook (or a computer) and trying to learn how to use it for the first time in your golden years would be not only frustrating but super complicated. Hell, most young people don't even know how to talk on the phone these days or check voicemail, so it's kind of the same thing. Or it could be like trying to explain to a young person what a postage stamp is for. Anyway, these social media fails from old people are classic and should be enjoyed the same way you would enjoy a nicely, well-aged bottle of wine. Slowly and with a lot of patience and with a smile on your face. Do you have an old people social media fail? Share it with us!
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