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Mysterious Photos That Have Never Been Explained Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

Just in time for Halloween, this haunting video shows us those mysterious photos that have never been explained.

From the mysterious photo of the elderly lady at the JFK assassination to UFO's, dead photos, and creepy images of ghosts, this video reminds us that there are mysterious photos out there that have never and might never be fully explained.

I had forgotten about most of these or not even heard about them before, but now that I am aware of these mysterious photos I'm even more creeped out!

While you might try to say some of these photos aren't real, what's even scarier about several of these mysterious photos is that credible sources (such as Kodak) have verified that the photos have not been tampered with and that they are in fact real and simply unexplained (like the Space Man photo).

Sure, some of these photos or videos might have a valid explanation behind them (such as overexposures or smudges), others aren't so easily explained. And these mysterious photos are so scary we kind of wish that somebody would so we can sleep better at night!

Watch this video and share with your friends if you want them to be creeped out for Halloween, too!

To lighten things up, check out our favorite pet halloween costumes.

Mysterious Photos That Have Never Been Explained

Just in time for Halloween, this haunting video shows us those mysterious photos that have never been explained.

From the mysterious photo of the elderly lady at the JFK assassination to UFO’s, dead photos, and creepy images of ghosts, this video reminds us that there are mysterious photos out there that have never and might never be fully explained.

I had forgotten about most of these or not even heard about them before, but now that I am aware of these mysterious photos I’m even more creeped out!

While you might try to say some of these photos aren’t real, what’s even scarier about several of these mysterious photos is that credible sources (such as Kodak) have verified that the photos have not been tampered with and that they are in fact real and simply unexplained (like the Space Man photo).

Sure, some of these photos or videos might have a valid explanation behind them (such as overexposures or smudges), others aren’t so easily explained. And these mysterious photos are so scary we kind of wish that somebody would so we can sleep better at night!

Watch this video and share with your friends if you want them to be creeped out for Halloween, too!

To lighten things up, check out our favorite pet halloween costumes.

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