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Plane Almost Hits Sunbather on Beach Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

In this insane video, a plane almost lands on a sunbather in Germany, leaving us all to wonder not only why there is an airplane landing strip so close to a public beach, but why someone would choose to lay out directly in front of it. The pilot, who said it “wasn’t one of my greatest achievements in the cockpit,” managed to not land on the sunbather, who looked to be only inches away from getting flattened like a pancake by the wheels of the small airplane. The plane was literally RIGHT ON TOP OF THE SUNBATHER. We still can’t

Plane Almost Hits Sunbather on Beach

In this insane video, a plane almost lands on a sunbather in Germany, leaving us all to wonder not only why there is an airplane landing strip so close to a public beach, but why someone would choose to lay out directly in front of …
Unlikely Cat Owl Friendship Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This cat owl friendship is one of the most unlikely friendships I’ve ever seen in the animal kingdom. But this video proves it. This black cat and this very large owl seem to be the best of friends as they play in the forest and fields. It’s almost like the owl flies by the cat just close enough for the cat to jump up and try to tap him. The first time you see the beginning of this cat owl video it almost looks like the either one of these animals is going to hurt the other one. At first

Unlikely Cat Owl Friendship

This cat owl friendship is one of the most unlikely friendships I’ve ever seen in the animal kingdom. But this video proves it. This black cat and this very large owl seem to be the best of friends as they play in the forest and …
The Best Jeopardy Answer EVER Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

UCB  comedy teacher/performer and BuzzFeed writer Ari Voukydis appeared on Jeopardy the other day and gave what might be the best jeopardy answer EVER. When Ari Voukydis was in Final Jeopardy, the clue given to him and the other contestants was: “In 1891, this European said, ‘Perhaps my factories will put an end to war sooner than your congresses.’” Clearly Ari Voukydis didn’t know the correct Jeopardy answer, so instead of making a guess he knew he would be pulling out of the dark, he gave the best answer ever. Ari Voukydis wrote the following as his response: “Who is this handsome gentleman?”

The Best Jeopardy Answer EVER

UCB  comedy teacher/performer and BuzzFeed writer Ari Voukydis appeared on Jeopardy the other day and gave what might be the best jeopardy answer EVER. When Ari Voukydis was in Final Jeopardy, the clue given to him and the other contestants was: “In 1891, this European said, …
Man Shoots Tree, Tree Fires Back Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Most people wouldn’t think twice about shooting at a target on a tree. Until now. This guy who’s doing a little target practice in the woods was actually a little too good because this man got a little blowback from the tree. After blowing it away, the tree fights back by actually falling on top of it’s perpetrator. I can see the headline now: man shoots tree tree fires back. If a man shoots a tree in the woods, does the man make a sound when the tree falls on him? According to this video, yes, the man does make

Man Shoots Tree, Tree Fires Back

Most people wouldn’t think twice about shooting at a target on a tree. Until now. This guy who’s doing a little target practice in the woods was actually a little too good because this man got a little blowback from the tree. After blowing it …