Most Viewed Jokes
My favorite machine at the gym is the vending machine.-Caroline Rhea
Caroline Rhea Funny Quote
Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.- Miles Kington Funny Quote
Miles Kington Funny Quote
Have you ever seen a barking cat before? Well, now you have. This video is so weird I don’t know what to make of it. A cat is sitting in a window and clearly making a barking noise. We can’t tell what this barking cat is barking at. Or why it’s barking. But it’s making a barking sound as plain as day when it thinks no one is looking. When the cat turns around to see a human is right behind him, the barking cat seems to stop for a second, almost like he got caught or busted and looked
Barking Cat Gets Busted, Starts Meowing

Can you find the guilty dog in this video. Here’s a hint: he’s not hard to find because he is totally giving away his guilt with the sheepish look on his face and the fact that when asked who made the mess, the other two dogs totally rat him out by looking straight at him, almost as if to say “Uhh, he did it, Mom.” Not only is this dog being super bad at being casual when asked who made the mess, his body language gives it away. But his face also totally gives it away. It’s like he’s trying
Guilty Dog Totally Gives Away His Guilt

Stella the dog has a hilarious move that everybody in the move should see. And considering the video has gone viral since her owners posted it, that might just happen. Stella the dog loves to fetch, run, and play, but as soon as she gets tired and wants to stop, she simply flops down on her stomach with her back legs out. It’s an amazing move that honestly we wish we could do without injuring ourselves. Watch the video to see Stella the dog run out from behind the house and go after a tennis ball. As soon she decides
This Dog Has a Hilarious Move