Most Viewed Jokes
OMG. This baby is so excited for the remote control that he reminds us of someone else we know, right ladies?! Our husbands! These babies really do learn at a young age, don’t they? 🙂 What’s so cute about watching this baby get so excited about the remote control is that he’s clearly mesmerized by it. As soon as his parents take the remote control out of his site he goes back to being a totally normally baby. But then as soon as they put the remote control back in front of his face he gets so excited his hands
Baby Goes Crazy for Remote Control

This clip of George Carlin comedy is so sad it’s true…and funny. As Americans we like our rights. We talk about them all the time. We’re proud of them, we brag about them and use them to look down on other people from other countries that supposedly have fewer rights than us. So, this George Carlin comedy clip focuses on rights. Where do our rights come from? Who gave them to us? God, is the usual answer, so George takes a look at our Bill of Rights and figures out that God may have made a mistake or two because
George Carlin Comedy – You Have No Rights

Blonde finishing her puzzle
There’s been a lot of delivery driver fails going around, but this Fed Ex driver fail may take the cake. It starts out with just a few dogs jumping up and down on each other and then a Fed Ex Driver pulls up and drives past the camera’s view. For the moment. The dogs give away that something isn’t right when they start freaking out and then it all becomes clear. The Fed Ex driver, who was parked on a slight incline, got out of his van and tried to make a delivery. But he forgot one minor detail: the
Fed Ex Driver Learns Importance of Parking Break

This Hey Cat video is exactly what it’s like to own a cat. Or, this is what it sounds like when you own a cat. After a while you stop hearing the “meows” and you basically just start hearing someone yell “hey” at you over and over again when they want something. And don’t get us wrong. We here at Dose of Funny really love cats. Like, love love cats. They are the best. They are totally hilarious all the time. Even when they are just lying there sleeping they are pretty funny. But this video, which is clearly someone
Hey Cat: This is What Owning A Cat Is Like