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We don’t know who this Shane is, except that he is a Walmart employee who apparently does the most amazing things ever, because Walmart management is constantly leaving him super funny notes for us all to enjoy. A big thank you to whoever took these photos! In this gallery you’ll see what is apparently a collection of notes from Walmart management written to an employee named Shane. Shane likes to do really funny things, like tell customers that Walmart keeps all the “good stuff” in the back, or if they’re “looking for something” to “go to Albertsons” to find it.
Walmart Management Leaves Hilarious Notes to Employee

This video of a twerking girl who craps her pants is truly gross…but also hilariously funny. A few days ago a video from Russia called “Dancing Crap” surfaced and almost broke the Internet. And now, not the way Kim Kardashian did. We think this video is way better! The video shows a girl twerking her butt in tights. She’s twerking normally for a minute or two when all of a sudden, you start to see something brown staining her white tights. Then you (and the person holding the camera) start to realize what has just happened. She crapped her
This Girl Twerks So Hard She Has An…Accident

The greatest minds at Dose of Funny have gathered and voted on the best Adam Sandler movie quotes or sayings. #17 – You Don’t Mess With The Zohan – Dalia, I don’t know how to tell you this. I cannot make sticky with anyone else. #16 – Mr. Deeds – I can’t run a company… I can’t even run my own life! #15 – Big Daddy – I had a mother lined up for him, but she’s bangin’ the Pepperidge Farm guy and the kid won’t stop peeing and throwing up, he’s like a cocker spaniel #14 – Happy Gilmore
Best Adam Sandler Movie Quotes
Pregnant Halloween costumes are ALWAYS funny, and this gallery features some of the best! IF you’ve got a bun in the oven and you’re looking for pregnant Halloween costumes, you can definitely get some amazing ideas from this gallery. From a troll doll to making your belly a basketball to pretending you got pregnant from the milk man or that you are a beer-guzzling overweight man, there are a ton of options to choose from. You really can’t go wrong with any of these pregnant halloween costumes. While some of these pregnant Halloween costumes are downright silly (hello, clown, I’m
Pregnant Halloween Costumes That Will Make You Laugh

These 17 funniest office pranks ever will make you rethink the way you look at your cubicle. Instead of seeing the cage that keeps you from nine to five (and usually beyond) each weekday, you can now look at this as an opportunity to take out some fun frustration out on your fellow cubicle mates. Now, before you start to fill your neighbor’s four little walls with Cheetos, you may want to check with your boss first to get approval. You may even want to check with HR because there have been a few stories out there of people who
17 Funniest Office Pranks Ever