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Is This the Most Adorable Saint Bernard Ever? Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

Sully the Saint Bernard has one problem: He’s needy! Thankfully he’s so friggin’ cute that it’s not really a problem but more of an adorable blessing for his owners. In this video you see the Saint Bernard, who is named Sully, lounging on top of his owner. His owner keeps trying to move out of his way, but Sully is not having any of it. He wants to be as close as possible to his loving owner. What makes it funny and even cuter is that because he’s a Saint Bernard, Sully is huge. Which makes it hard for anybody to

Is This the Most Adorable Saint Bernard Ever?

Sully the Saint Bernard has one problem: He’s needy! Thankfully he’s so friggin’ cute that it’s not really a problem but more of an adorable blessing for his owners. In this video you see the Saint Bernard, who is named Sully, lounging on top of …
Funny Jokes: Accountants on a Train Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Jokes

Funny: Accountants on a Train Joke Three lawyers and three accountants stood in line to buy tickets for a train ride to the city. The three accountants bought only one ticket between them, while the three lawyers bought one ticket each. After the men got on the train, one of the lawyers asked one of the accountants, “Why did you only buy one ticket when there’s three of you?” The accountant answered, “We are accountants, and very frugal with our money. Watch and learn.” As the train’s conductor made his way through the car, all the accountants got up and

Funny Jokes: Accountants on a Train

Funny: Accountants on a Train Joke Three lawyers and three accountants stood in line to buy tickets for a train ride to the city. The three accountants bought only one ticket between them, while the three lawyers bought one ticket each. After the men got …
This Gerbils on Record Players Video Is Awesome Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

There’s not a lot to say about this video of gerbils on record players. The title kind of speaks for itself. And it’s kind of the perfect video for the Internet. Someone who has some gerbils and a record player decided to combine the two to make this very, very Internet-ready video. I guess maybe the owner of these gerbils didn’t have the spinning wheel that gerbils seem to love so much, but realized that a record player is almost the same exact thing. Hence: the gerbils on record players video was born. We don’t suggest trying this at home,

This Gerbils on Record Players Video Is Awesome

There’s not a lot to say about this video of gerbils on record players. The title kind of speaks for itself. And it’s kind of the perfect video for the Internet. Someone who has some gerbils and a record player decided to combine the two …
Florida Road Rage Driver Get Instant Karma Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This Florida road rage driver got a pretty sweet lesson about Instant Karma in this video. After tailgating a driver for a while, the good guy in this video started filming the idiot driving behind him. Probably just to get a record of the insane person behind him. Which ended up being a great idea because things went from bad to awesome. The road rager pulls up alongside him and immediately flips him the bird while glaring menacingly. But then, justice prevails as the road rage moron tries to pass and then immediately fish tails and spins out into the

Florida Road Rage Driver Get Instant Karma

This Florida road rage driver got a pretty sweet lesson about Instant Karma in this video. After tailgating a driver for a while, the good guy in this video started filming the idiot driving behind him. Probably just to get a record of the insane …
This Augmented Reality Video is Very Awesome Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Augmented Reality, or Augdemented Reality as this video is called is very, very cool. A cartoon artist takes clear cellophane rectangles, draws on them and uses stop motion editing to create fun, cool and crazy scenes in what would normally be everyday, normal situations. According to the Youtube about section: Using a unique animation technique involving traditional animation cells and his iphone 5s, Hombre_mcsteez turns everyday life into an odd creature infested cartoon universe. It’s crazy that someone with a few clear pieces of cellophane, an iPhone 5 and a fair bit of time on his hands can create these magical

This Augmented Reality Video is Very Awesome

Augmented Reality, or Augdemented Reality as this video is called is very, very cool. A cartoon artist takes clear cellophane rectangles, draws on them and uses stop motion editing to create fun, cool and crazy scenes in what would normally be everyday, normal situations. According …