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I Love You Baby Video Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This is what’s known as the I Love You Baby video. This little girl is just two months old and she is sitting on her dad’s chest. And her dad is saying “I love you” to this little baby over and over again. And she responds by smiling at him and generally being a super cute little baby in her pink little dress. So she sits there for a while staring into her dad’s eyes and goo gooing and ga gaing at him whenever he says something to her. But then something funny happens. After he says “I love you”

I Love You Baby Video

This is what’s known as the I Love You Baby video. This little girl is just two months old and she is sitting on her dad’s chest. And her dad is saying “I love you” to this little baby over and over again. And she …

Funny Joke: Good Day

Q: How do you know when it’s going to be a good day at work?A: When you see your boss’ picture on the side of the milk carton.   Click here for more Funny Jokes
Beer Toss Gone Wrong Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,,

Just when you think you’re going to have a great day on the lake, a seemingly innocent beer toss gone wrong can totally, totally ruin it for you. Watch this beer toss gone wrong video and watch as the trouble unfolds. It starts off as a fun joke, where the older guy in the boat ahead of the camera man asks his to throw a beer over. The guy (son?) holding the camera obliges, but he end up hitting him and the guy falls into the water like a brick. Talk about dangerous! Thankfully we think the guy is OK,

Beer Toss Gone Wrong

Just when you think you’re going to have a great day on the lake, a seemingly innocent beer toss gone wrong can totally, totally ruin it for you. Watch this beer toss gone wrong video and watch as the trouble unfolds. It starts off as …
Baby Instantly Stops Crying When She Hears Katy Perry Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

OMG. Is this real?! In this amazing video this adorable baby immediately stops whining when Katy Perry’s ‘Dark Horse’ comes on. It’s awesome!! The adorable little girl is squeaming and squirming and about to start whailing in her car seat when her very clever mom decided to play Katy Perry’s ‘Dark Horse.’ I don’t know if the mom knows that it’s this baby’s favorite song, but as soon as the song comes on the little girl gets the most excited look on her face and she starts dancing along to the song. Do all babies react this way to a

Baby Instantly Stops Crying When She Hears Katy Perry

OMG. Is this real?! In this amazing video this adorable baby immediately stops whining when Katy Perry’s ‘Dark Horse’ comes on. It’s awesome!! The adorable little girl is squeaming and squirming and about to start whailing in her car seat when her very clever mom …