Most Viewed Jokes
Dave Chappelle is the funniest comedian alive today. I know, I know, Louis CK is the king of comedy, but Dave Chappelle had not only his stand up, but also his groundbreaking show that gives him the crown of the funniest man alive today. This clip about smoking weed is just another bit that proves it. Dave Chappelle doesn’t want to smoke weed with black people anymore. He can’t take it because, according to him, they just talk about their troubles and complain. White people on the other hand, are so ridiculous when they smoke weed that Dave will only
Dave Chappelle Stand Up – Weed

In this adorable video a pit bull named Diesel shows off how much he loves bubbles! And we have to say, he likes them. A LOT. Watch as his owners blow bubbles and pit bull Diesel jumps around like crazy trying to get them. He’s like a kid in a candy shop. Except the candy is behind glass and it’s impossible to get at it so instead you just try to jump in over and over and over again. It’s adorable to watch as pit bull Diesel tries to grab the bubbles with his mouth. I mean, this dog really
This Pit Bull Loves Bubbles!

Doug Benson Poster Scene Investigator from the VH1 series Best Week Ever
Doug Benson Poster Scene Investigator

This video of a baby bear on the golf course is so adorable, you won’t need to watch any other funny videos for the rest of the day (or even week!). In the video, which was taken by a set of golfers playing a round of golf at the Mountainside golf course at the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort, you see what happens when their golf game is taken over by an adorable group of baby bears. And one particular baby bear on the golf course really steals the show! Watch as the baby bear on the golf course proceeds to play
Video of Baby Bear on Golf Course is ADORABLE

Your browser does not support iframes. In a move that made grown men cry around the country, a little girl threw a Jeter foul ball back onto the field after her father caught it at Friday’s Yankees game against the Blue Jays. In this adorable video you see just how happy the parents are that the dad just caught the Jeter foul ball. The wife starts taking photos with her iPad and the dad is smiling from ear to ear while holding their baby. This is when the toddler girl comes into play. Their daughter starts reaching for the ball
Little Girl Throws Jeter Foul Ball Back