Most Viewed Jokes
We all know those amazing beer commercials. A party is super lame and then someone comes in with a cooler full of X Brand of Beer, pops open a cold one and then all of a sudden…MAGIC HAPPENS. That got Buzzfeed thinking…what would happen if instead of beer, people got that excited over yogurt? So, Buzzfeed used the format of a typical beer commercial and substituted a brewskie for good old fashioned yogurt. The result was more than funny. Check out the video above!
If Yogurt Was Advertised Like Beer

Funny: Genitals in the Classroom Joke One day in a normal school classroom, the teacher went in after recess and found a penis drawn on the blackboard. She couldn’t find the eraser, so she just cleaned it with her hand, thinking it was just a prank the kids were playing on her. The next day after recess, the teacher found yet another penis on the blackboard, slightly bigger this time, and the eraser nowhere to be found. Slightly annoyed, she cleaned it with her hand again. The third day, unsurprisingly enough, there was another even bigger penis on the blackboard.
Funny Joke: Genitals in the Classroom
Doug Benson Films Reviewed in 8 Words is part of the VH1 series Best Week Ever. Here Doug seeks to review Matthew McConaughey films in 8 words or less.
Doug Benson Films Reviewed in 8 Words

My husband wanted one of those big-screen TVs for his birthday. So I just moved his chair closer to the one we have already.-Wendy Liebman Funny Quote Click here for more funny quotes
Wendy Liebman Funny Quote
I don’t even know what to say except this is the worst parking attempt ever seen. Is that a BBQ smoker behind the truck? Is it an oven? It looks somewhat cooking related. I don’t know. But I do know that this not only start out really bad, but it gets worse. And then worse. And then even worse. I really don’t understand how a human being could be responsible for this. Why wouldn’t you stop? Why wouldn’t you get out and look? Maybe this driver wanted the title of the worst parking attempt ever? If that’s the case, well
Worst Parking Attempt Ever Gets Worse And Worse