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I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three.-Elayne Boosler Funny Quote
Elayne Boosler Funny Quote
This orphan baby goat is without a double the cutest thing we’ve seen all week, let alone all month and year! In fact, we’re going to go out on a limb and say it might be the cutest video we’ve EVER seen. Yup. We said it! This baby goat is beyond adorable. In the video you’ll see a baby goat, Benjamin (specifically he’s a an orphaned baby pygmy goat), with his new best friend Tom Horsfield. Horsfield has been taking care of 5-week-old Benjamin (who he lovingly refers to as Benji) since his mother rejected him as a baby. “His mother gave
Orphan Baby Goat Is the Cutest Thing You’ll Ever See

Doug Benson Anti Pot Ads, if you know Doug Benson, I’m sure you understand how Doug feels about the subject. Here is Doug’s stand Up comedy bit explaining his feelings for anti pot ads. Here is the commercial of the girl melting into the couch followed by Doug Benson’s bit.
Doug Benson Anti Pot Ads

This Bane Cat video might be one of the best scripted cat videos EVER. Inspired by the supervillian Bane from the Batman series and The Dark Knight Also Rises (played by Tom Hardy). Bane was the protector of Talia al Ghul and the field commander of the League of Shadows, and was one of the scariest Batman villians with his creepy face mask that he wore at all time to prevent his body from experiencing crippling levels of pain. In this Bane Cat video, the creators have put a regular house cat into a Bane mask and recreated Bane’s voice to make the cat extra
The Best Bane Cat Video Ever

Wow. Talk about instant Karma! In this Florida road rage video Jeffrey White (only identified because he was later arrested), was caught on camera when after he had been tailgating a woman who he apparently thought was driving too slow despite the wet Florida roads. After tailgating the Florida driver who uploaded this YouTube video (which received over 10 million views before later being taken down), Jeffrey White was seen passing the driver and then flicking her the bird and smiling. Unfortunately, passing her and not paying attention caused the Florida road rage driver to dangerously swerve off the road and
Florida Road Rage Driver Caught on Tape