Most Viewed Jokes
We are going to need more cheese and a giant tub of olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.
There’s a huge broccoli outside!!!
Don’t get us wrong, cell phones and the Internet are awesome. They make life easier in a lot of ways. But they also make a lot of things so freakin’ annoying. Something as simple as getting together with friends for dinner used to be a two-step process. 1. Call friends and set a time. 2. Meet them there and go to dinner. There was nothing else to worry about. You just went to the restaurant and had a great time with your pals. But life has changed dramatically before and after the Internet. Now, with this supposedly helpful technology has
Going to Dinner Before and After the Internet
This muppets cover of So What’cha Want might be the best video you’ll see all week. In this video by director Mylo the Cat, he successfully finds footage of muppets Swedish Chef, Animal, and Beeker originally singing “Danny Boy” and instead makes it look like they are performing to the Beastie Boys’ So What’cha Want. The muppets cover of So What’cha Want is one of the best muppets covers we’ve seen. The muppets have been known to cover other popular 90’s songs such as Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit and Kermit the Frog once did a cover of LCD Soundsystem’s
Muppets Cover So What’cha Want by Beastie Boys
Funny: Paddy the Irishman Joke It’s dark and cold, and Paddy is lying on the stone floor of a huge cavern, quietly weeping to himself, terrified in anticipation of what is in store for him. The slim figure of the devil appears out from the mist, whistling and spinning a cane. As he nears, a broad grin breaks out on his face and he says in a broad Dublin accent, “Ah Paddy, how’s it going?!” Paddy, terrified, timidly replies, “Please, please, just tell me what you are going to do me, don’t make it any worse than it already is”
Funny Joke: Paddy The Irishman
This touching Louis CK George Carlin tribute clip is more touching than funny. Louis CK talks at length about how George Carlin shaped his view of comedy and how Carlin was really the reason why he got into comedy. After 15 years he had been doing the same act that he didn’t even like. But he didn’t know what he wanted to do. Working in Chinese restaurants where people don’t know that a show is going to happen because they just went there to eat. After that show he listened to a CD of George and comedy and he workshopping