Most Viewed Jokes
In this super cool video a dog owner straps a Go Pro Hero 3+ to the back of his labrador to see what it looks like as the dog goes barreling towards the ocean. The labrador, whose name is Walter, is known to be super excited about getting in the water. So his owner, who clearly lives in some gorgeous seaside town in Sicily, decided to do what any good dog owner would and strap a camera to his back. Walter can barely contain his excitement as the owner unleashes him and let’s him create his own path into the
This Dog CAN’T WAIT To Get Into the Water
We found him, the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant ever. Julian from Indiana University is easily the worst Wheel of Fortune contestant in the history of Wheel of Fortune. This isn’t Jeopardy!, remember. This is the easier game show. But not for Julian. His inability to pronounce Achilles cost him, wait for it, $1 million. Yes, a million dollars. Because he couldn’t pronounce the tendon at the back of his heel (or the mythological hero.) And it wasn’t because he couldn’t figure out the puzzle. Every square was turned around. He just had to read it. And then he failed.
Julian is the Worst Wheel of Fortune Contestant Ever
A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do. “Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?” The blonde said, “How about 50 dollars?” The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders that she might need were in the garage. The man’s wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, “Does she realize that the
You can paint my porch
If you’ve been on Facebook lately, chances are your newsfeed is filled with a ton of ALS Ice Bucket Challenges. We think this is an amazing thing that people are getting in on the challenge and helping a worthwhile cause. But we also wonder why every Ice Bucket Challenge we see is pretty tame and perfectly timed (for the most part). Well, it’s probably because people aren’t posting the Ice Bucket Challenge FAILS, several of which have been gloriously documented in this compilation video. It’s kind of hilarious to see people not only totally miss the target (themselves), but manage
Ice Bucket Challenge FAILS
Here is Harland Williams Late Night with David Letterman performing his 2006 vintage stand-up. Couple notables: Pumpkins are the the only living organisms with triangle eyes? For all of you that can’t afford laser eye surgery, do like I did and wait for an old rerun of StarTrek and wait for that scene where the enterprise starts shooting laser beams and press your face up against the TV.