Most Viewed Jokes
These funny pumpkin carvings are why we love Halloween so much. It gives us all a chance to either wear a totally weird, funny, our out-of-character Halloween costume, but it also gives us a chance to express ourselves via a funny pumpkin carving. And for some people, expressing themselves happens in a very strange and scary way. These funny pumpkin carvings really run the gamut when it comes to humor. Once you click through the funny pumpkin carving gallery above you can start to see people’s personalities (or lack thereof) start to shine through. There’s the stripper pumpkin, the mooning
Funny, Scary, Weird, and Just Plain Wrong Pumpkin Carvings

These creepy photos from the 1800s and beyond are seriously terrifying. Which is perfect considering Halloween is just a few short weeks away! Once you take a look at these vintage creepy photos you might wish that you could unsee them. It’s not that they’re meant to be scary, which might be why these creepy photos are so intense. There’s something about old photos with no context to them that can completely freak you out! The Victorian Era, when many of these photos were taken, had some strange customs when it came to photographs. They often liked to not only
21 Really Creepy Photos

You know that saying, “That’s what friends are for?” Well, one guy recently did the ultimate deed for his best friend…whether he liked it or not. We would have paid good money to see the expression on the cheating ex’s face when she got these Facebook messages. We bet it was priceless. Click here for more Amazing Texts from Exes.
Text to a Cheating Ex is Perfect

Is there anything better than a collection of funny gifs? We scoured the internet high and low to find the best funny gifs out there, and we guarantee you this assortment of epic gifs will leave you laughing for days. There are so many classic funny gifs in this gallery we don’t even know where to begin. From the dancing pug who is too embarrassed to have his owner see him (my personal favorite) to the Vietnam flashback dog, kid trying to take a drink out of a hose who has a major fail, to the dirt diving swimmer or
Best Funny Gifs of All Time

These little icons have become a staple in our daily lives, but what’s the the story behind those emoji meanings? First, it’s helpful to know how emojis even came to be. Emojis were first used in Japan and originally meant pictograph, with the first one showing up in 1998 or 1999. They were invented by Shigetaka Kurita, and the word emoji literally means picture(e) and character (moji). Hence, emoji! While they were originally only available in Japan, the inclusion of them in unicode (a computing industry standard for text) allowed them to be used worldwide. As of 2013 there were
The Story Behind Emoji Meanings