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It looks like this motorcyclist fought Newton’s law, and Newton’s law won! A fit of road rage overcame a motorcyclist driving down the freeway recently, and he got a big dose of karma in return. While we can’t see what happened immediately before this incident, what we do know is that the motorcyclist and the car got into some kind of issue with one another…perhaps the car cut off the motorcyclist or vice versa. Whatever happened, the motorcyclist got mad and tried to hit the SUV with his leg. That clearly didn’t work because as soon as he tried kicking
Road Rage Motorcyclist Gets Instant Karma

With the FIFA World Cup in full swing in Brazil, it’s great that we get to not only see all the amazing players from around the world, but hear the best national anthems of the countries the players come from. So that got us inspired to create our own list of the best national anthems around the world. While not all of these countries are represented in the FIFA World Cup, each of these national anthems are considered winners in our book. Russia This is definitely the most moving of all the national anthems. It’s bold and fierce, though it
Best National Anthems Around the World

If you’ve ever played the totally addicting Candy Crush Saga app you know how maddening it can be. Not only do you have to attempt to get to different levels by matching similarly-colored candies in addition to matching “special”candies, but once you do you have to then do a quest area level where you have to complete levels of varying difficulties. Once you do you then have to wait 24 hours to get another quest. If you can believe it, over 150 billion games of Candy Crush have been played since the app was released in 2012. That means over 500 million
What Really Happens When You Play Candy Crush Saga

It’s not often you get to see a comedy superstar before they’re huge, but this video clip of Eddie Murphy doing his first appearance on the Johnny Carson show does just that. What’s really interesting about this video clip is that it’s a rare scene where early Eddie Murphy has to work totally clean. Juxtaposed to his earlier work in Raw and Delirious, where he works very blue and uses every curse word under the son, this is young Eddie doing his comedy routine on national television where he could use no four letter words. Instead of talking about cave
Eddie Murphy’s First Appearance on Johnny Carson

This dog does not like bears! In this hilarious video that originally surfaced in 2010 in the United Kingdom but recently went viral again the States, a dog named Akita is just hanging out with her owners, getting pet and licking faces, when she walks over to the family’s television and sees a bear chasing after a kid on the screen. The dog goes into attack mode (it sounds scarier than it’s actually pretty adorable) and tries to take down the bear. Except unfortunately (or fortunately?) the bear is not there to fight the dog. A nearby human is
This Dog Does Not Like Bears!