Most Viewed Jokes
Funny Army Joke with Airman Jones: Airman Jones was assigned to the induction center where he was to advise new recruits about their government benefits, especially their GI insurance. It wasn’t long before Captain Smith noticed that Airman Jones had almost a 100% record for insurance sales, which had never happened before. Rather than ask about this, the Captain stood in the back of the room and listened to Jones’s sales pitch. Jones explained the basics of the GI Insurance to the new recruits, and then said:”If you have GI Insurance and go into battle and are killed, the government
Funny Army Joke
The Best of George Carlin clip should be required viewing for everyone. Not just people who like comedy and jokes, but everyone. Because George Carlin wasn’t just a comedian, he was a truth teller of the ultimate degree. You can learn more about the world, about government, about religion, about the true essence of people from an hour of the best of George Carlin stand up comedy than you can from all your years of schooling. A few of the subjects that this best of George Carlin clip tackles are government, time, advertising At the essence of it, we all
The Best of George Carlin Stand Up

This clip of George Carlin on religion is exactly what you’d expect from a man who has made a career of skewering all of our institutions. There’s really no comedian better at taking all the things our society blindly holds dear and breaking them down to their elements to make them look ridiculous. For example in this George Carlin on religion clip, George just explains the concept of God in simple terms: There’s an invisible man in the sky who will make you burn forever if you don’t believe in him…but he loves you. That simple sentence right there has
George Carlin on Religion and God Routine

We’re not sure if this toddler singing Frozen is adorable or just kind of scary. She’s making us nervous! In this video you see a seemingly innocent and adorable little girl start to break out into a song from Frozen. As she does her parents start laughing, and this toddler singing Frozen is having NONE of it. As you can see in the subtitles (they’re British or Scottish and it’s hard to understand them) she gets ANGRY. The toddler singing Frozen starts saying hilarious things like “Be careful now” and “I’m warning you” to her parents who can’t stop laughing.
Funny Toddler Shouts at Her Parents

This Beach Boys video is definitely the funniest thing we’ve seen today, let alone all month. In this music video parody, the Beach Boys “shred” their hit song, “I Get Around,” and the results are amazing. We’re not quite sure why it’s so funny, but there’s something about listening to a weird acoustic version of the song sung by people with no rhythm that really makes us laugh. The Beach Boys video is truly enligtning. In it, the original video footage of “I Get Around,”–the hit song by Brian Wilson and Mike Love–is used. But instead of the Beach Boys’
The Funniest Beach Boys Video You Will Ever See