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This Dog Tackle is AMAZING Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Holy crap, this dog tackle is absolutely amazing. We’re not sure where this video was made (it definitely looks like Eastern Europe), but it’s probably the best dog tackle we’ve ever seen. I mean, really?! That dog is awesome! It looks like these guys are all friends (or co-workers) either in the military or just really like camo. They could also be hunting, which would explain the exercise they seem to be doing. It also looks like they’ve done this kind of dog tackle set-up before, since they were all in position and it was being filmed. Anyway, the “friends”

This Dog Tackle is AMAZING

Holy crap, this dog tackle is absolutely amazing. We’re not sure where this video was made (it definitely looks like Eastern Europe), but it’s probably the best dog tackle we’ve ever seen. I mean, really?! That dog is awesome! It looks like these guys are …
Watch this Adorable Monkey Get a Bath Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos ,

Watching this baby monkey get a bath has to be the cutest things we’ve seen IN A LONG TIME. I could seriously watch this baby be given a bath all day and night. The monkey is clearly in a veterinarian or other care center, and her care giver picks her up and brings her over to the washing area. The little monkey doesn’t know what’s going on but seems to kind of like the bath. The caregiver gives “bubbles” as she’s called her special baby bath and the cuteness just keeps on happening from there. We’ve seen a lot of

Watch this Adorable Monkey Get a Bath

Watching this baby monkey get a bath has to be the cutest things we’ve seen IN A LONG TIME. I could seriously watch this baby be given a bath all day and night. The monkey is clearly in a veterinarian or other care center, and …
Richard Pryor High on Cocaine Clip Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This Richard Pryor high on cocaine clip is a peek into the manic insanity that was Richard Pryor’s life. The sad truth about a lot of comedians, is what makes them funny are the dark demons that haunt them their whole life. His history of drug abuse is well documented, and there’s a good chance that we have seen him high without knowing it, but this time it is clear that he has been doing cocaine before they started filming. In this interview he had just finished shooting a movie with Gene Wilder which Richard Pryor was paid two million

Richard Pryor High on Cocaine Clip

This Richard Pryor high on cocaine clip is a peek into the manic insanity that was Richard Pryor’s life. The sad truth about a lot of comedians, is what makes them funny are the dark demons that haunt them their whole life. His history of …
This Dog is SUPER Stoned Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This dog is so stoned we can’t stop watching this video and laughing. No, the dog did not smoke marijuana. And no, he isn’t drunk. This dog just left the vet’s office where she had a procedure done and now the dog is totally out of it. We feel bad for the dog but she’s fine…she’s just really, really, stone. And that’s funny. The owner tries to get his dog’s attention by calling her name, but the dog is so stoned that it really has no idea what’s going on, and probably can’t even hear the owner’s voice. For all

This Dog is SUPER Stoned

This dog is so stoned we can’t stop watching this video and laughing. No, the dog did not smoke marijuana. And no, he isn’t drunk. This dog just left the vet’s office where she had a procedure done and now the dog is totally out …
Jeff Goldblum Stars in Best Commercial Ever Made Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

We are not exaggerating when we tell you this Jeff Goldblum commercial for General Electric’s new light bulb might be the best thing from a company ever. Seriously. You have to watch it to believe me. In this new commercial (directed by ‘Tim and Eric,’ the comedic force behind the Old Spice commercials) Jeff Goldblum talks about the new GE Link light bulb that can last 22 years and can be controlled via your smartphone. Sounds pretty cool, yes. But Jeff Goldblum makes it even cooler. As if we didn’t already love us some Jeff Goldblum, his role in this commercial

Jeff Goldblum Stars in Best Commercial Ever Made

We are not exaggerating when we tell you this Jeff Goldblum commercial for General Electric’s new light bulb might be the best thing from a company ever. Seriously. You have to watch it to believe me. In this new commercial (directed by ‘Tim and Eric,’ …