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Worst Wheel of Fortune Fail Ever? Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

Just when we thought this was the worst Wheel of Fortune fail we’ve ever seen, this guy comes along and totally blows our minds. Some are saying this is probably the best Wheel of Fortune fail ever, and we really do have to agree. Just wait until you see contestant Stephen’s non-prize winning answer. In this Wheel of Fortune fail video, the answer is pretty much staring every contestant in the face, so when Stephen rings his buzzer everybody watching the show (in the audience and at home) think that he’s totally going to win. After all, who WOULDN’T know

Worst Wheel of Fortune Fail Ever?

Just when we thought this was the worst Wheel of Fortune fail we’ve ever seen, this guy comes along and totally blows our minds. Some are saying this is probably the best Wheel of Fortune fail ever, and we really do have to agree. Just …
Funny Lawyer Joke: The Stop Sign Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Jokes

Funny Lawyer Joke: The Stop Sign A lawyer is driving down the quiet country road and is approaching a stop sign. The road is completely devoid of people or other drivers, so the lawyer just slows down a bit to be safe, but otherwise drives through the intersection. Suddenly a siren goes off and seemingly out of nowhere a police car is trailing him. Confused, the lawyer pulls over to the side of the road and parks his car. A cop gets out of the cruiser and walks up to his vehicle. “Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?”

Funny Lawyer Joke: The Stop Sign

Funny Lawyer Joke: The Stop Sign A lawyer is driving down the quiet country road and is approaching a stop sign. The road is completely devoid of people or other drivers, so the lawyer just slows down a bit to be safe, but otherwise drives through …
Louis CK Destroys Heckler Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

The slogan “Louis CK destroys heckler” should be on your mind if you ever are stupid enough to try and mess with Louis CK when he’s onstage doing his show (or any time, really.) In this clip, Louis CK destroys heckler while onstage doing his act when he gets annoyed by a table full of people who won’t stop talking. He asks them somewhat nicely to please stop talking because they are messing up his timing because he can hear them very loudly. And instead of being a civilized group of people and realizing that they are being jerks who

Louis CK Destroys Heckler

The slogan “Louis CK destroys heckler” should be on your mind if you ever are stupid enough to try and mess with Louis CK when he’s onstage doing his show (or any time, really.) In this clip, Louis CK destroys heckler while onstage doing his …
George Carlin Stuff Routine – Hilarious Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

The George Carlin Stuff bit is one of those classic, well-known comedy bits that everyone should know. It’s in the comedy canon. George Carlin was a hero to many, many comedians (most notably Louis CK) and you can see why. The George Carlin Stuff bit is one of those truth telling routines that takes something that is so prevalent in society (materialism) and turns it around to show you how ridiculous we all are. We put so much importance into the things we own, we let it define who we are. We think people with more stuff are more successful

George Carlin Stuff Routine – Hilarious

The George Carlin Stuff bit is one of those classic, well-known comedy bits that everyone should know. It’s in the comedy canon. George Carlin was a hero to many, many comedians (most notably Louis CK) and you can see why. The George Carlin Stuff bit …