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Adam Sandler Thanksgiving song performed on the season 18 episode of Saturday Night Live‘s, Weekend Update segment on November 21, 1992. “The Thanksgiving Song”, also known as “Happy Thanksgiving”, is a song performed by Adam Sandler discussing Thanksgiving and a few other random thoughts. The song was written by Sandler, Ian Maxtone-Graham and Robert Smigel. The song also appeared on Sandler’s debut album They’re All Gonna Laugh at You! and is the commonly heard version. The song primarily revolves around the repetition of the word “turkey” in various two-line rhymes, such as, “Turkey with gravy and cranberries/Can’t believe the Mets traded
Adam Sandler Thanksgiving Song

Only Louis CK could get away with saying the N word so many times onstage as a white performer. (Well, if South Park were stand up comedians, I’m guessing they would have no trouble either.) But my point is, it’s a tricky and unbelievably delicate word to use. It’s probably the most controversial word there is in the English language. And this Louis CK N word bit shows us exactly why Louis CK is one of the most important comedians in the world. The most genius aspect of the Louis CK N word bit is that it’s not controversial at
The Louis CK N Word Bit

Funny: The Catholic Hairdryer Joke In parochial school, students are taught that lying is a sin. However, instructors also advised that using a bit of imagination is OK to express the truth differently without lying. Below is a perfect example of those teachings: Getting a Hairdryer Through Customs. An attractive young woman on a flight from Ireland asked the Priest beside her, ‘Father, may I ask a favor?’ ‘Of course child. What may I do for you?’ ‘Well, I bought my mother an expensive hair dryer for her birthday. It is unopened but well over the Customs limits and I’m
Funny: The Catholic Hairdryer Joke
Hopefully you’ve already seen the first Bane Cat video (if not you have to watch it), because it was an instant classic. And now, back by popular demand, a second BaneCat video has returned! While it’s not quite as awesome as the first one, it’s still pretty great. Basically anytime you have a cat dressed up as a character from Batman you’re going to have a good time…which is why it’s so awesome that this video has not only Bane Cat in it, but a new Joker Cat as well (complete with smeared lipstick). Bane Cat, if you’re not familiar, is a
Bane Cat Returns, And He’s Going Mobile

This is the classic Bill Cosby grandparents stand up bit that has made generations of comedy fans laugh until they cry. Bill talks about how his parents have changed from the time when he was a child to now, when they are grandparents. If he asked his dad for a nickel, he had to hear his life story and he ate dirt. He had to hear about how his dad used to walk to school each morning uphill both ways in the snow. And he was thankful. But now, when his parents comes to visit their grandchildren they hand out
Bill Cosby Grandparents Jokes