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Ralph Giese Is the Best Whistler in the World Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This classic 1980s video of Ralph Giese clearly demonstrates that he is the best whistler in the world (or at least in the 80s). In case you’ve never seen or heard of him before, Ralph Giese (also known as the “Mullet Whisler” thanks to his famous 80s haircut) made the rounds onThe Tonight Show (where this video was taken) and other talk shows to demonstrate his talent for whistling. Ever wondered just HOW someone could learn how to do that? Ralph Giese performs what is known as “throat whistling,” which allows him to reach all those crazy notes and melodies. It

Ralph Giese Is the Best Whistler in the World

This classic 1980s video of Ralph Giese clearly demonstrates that he is the best whistler in the world (or at least in the 80s). In case you’ve never seen or heard of him before, Ralph Giese (also known as the “Mullet Whisler” thanks to his …
Bill Cosby Brain Damage Stand Up Bit Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

This is the Bill Cosby brain damage stand up bit. We’re not sure how Bill Cosby’s wife felt about how having children changes you. It starts out with him talking about how his wife (before they had children) was the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. But once they had children, her face changed. Her mouth started to droop and she lost her looks. It’s because of their children. And it’s because all children have brain damage. If you put a drink down they immediately start to drink it. You tell them not to and they immediately pick it

Bill Cosby Brain Damage Stand Up Bit

This is the Bill Cosby brain damage stand up bit. We’re not sure how Bill Cosby’s wife felt about how having children changes you. It starts out with him talking about how his wife (before they had children) was the most beautiful woman he has …
Laughing Owl is Adorable Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Videos

So this laughing owl might not be actually LAUGHING (because WHO knows if owls can really laugh, right?!), but whatever this owl is doing, it’s pretty awesome and we’re glad there’s a video of it. While we’re not sure if laughing owls actually exist, we do know that CUTE owls exist…and this is definitely one of them. I love how the one owl on the left is just kind of hanging out, and then the spotted owl doesn’t really start to laugh until the camera starts filming him or her. This laughing owl should be put into show business…fast! We

Laughing Owl is Adorable

So this laughing owl might not be actually LAUGHING (because WHO knows if owls can really laugh, right?!), but whatever this owl is doing, it’s pretty awesome and we’re glad there’s a video of it. While we’re not sure if laughing owls actually exist, we …
Funny Grounds for Divorce Joke Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Jokes

Funny Grounds for Divorce Joke: A woman says to her lawyer “I want to divorce my husband.” “On what grounds?” “Grounds? We have two acres at the edge of town with a big lawn and some fruit trees.” “No, that’s not what I meant. Do you have a grudge?” “Yes, we have a two car garage but only one car so we use the rest for storage.” The lawyer is getting exasperated, “Does he beat you up?” “No, I’m up by 6:30 and sometimes he doesn’t get up until after I’ve left for work.” “WHY DO YOU WANT A DIVORCE?”

Funny Grounds for Divorce Joke

Funny Grounds for Divorce Joke: A woman says to her lawyer “I want to divorce my husband.” “On what grounds?” “Grounds? We have two acres at the edge of town with a big lawn and some fruit trees.” “No, that’s not what I meant. Do …
Funny Bigger Boobs Joke Author: Dosis Von Lustig Author: Funny Jokes

Funny Bigger Boobs Joke: Wife: “I really wish I had bigger boobs” Husband: “Have you tried rubbing a little bit of toilet paper in between them each day?” Wife: “No… why do you think that would work?” Husband: “Well… it worked for your ass so I figured it might work for your boobs.” Check out more funny jokes!

Funny Bigger Boobs Joke

Funny Bigger Boobs Joke: Wife: “I really wish I had bigger boobs” Husband: “Have you tried rubbing a little bit of toilet paper in between them each day?” Wife: “No… why do you think that would work?” Husband: “Well… it worked for your ass so …