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Summer isn’t summer without a few slip n’ slide fails, is it? We don’t think so! This hilarious video of slip n’ slide fails will have you slip n’ sliding on the floor from laughter. I mean, some of these are utterly amazing, we can’t believe they were caught on film. Thankfully nobody was hurt in the making of these slip n’ slide fails, except maybe for a few bruised egos. There’s nothing worse than putting on your bathing suit and gearing up to take the slide of your life when you totally trip and fall and have to slide
The Best Slip n’ Slide Fails

Meet Meatball, the fattest cat in the world. Even though it’s sad to see a cat this big, it’s also slightly funny because he is just SO LARGE. The good news is that world’s fattest cat is now on a strict diet, so we can expect him to not only get healthier but we’re hoping live an even longer life. So how did Meatball the fattest cat in the world come to be? Well, sadly his owners turned him into the Maricopa County Animal Care and Control in Phoenix, Arizona after they were unable to care for him anymore. The
This Might Be the World’s Fattest Cat

In this touching video, a baby hears his parents voices for the first time, and the results are absolutely incredible. The parents, who appear to be Australian, uploaded the amazing video and said this about the results: Our beautiful son Lachlan was diagnosed as having moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears. When he was 7 weeks old he received his first hearing aids. His reaction when they were turned on was truly amazing. We cried from happiness. Our beautiful little boy is now two years old and doing remarkably well. Watch a baby hear his parents for the
Baby Hears Parents Voice for the First Time in Amazing Video

Here is a classic Harland Williams Half Baked in a scene where Harland asks the horse buttercup if she’s hungry while a big woman is passing by.
Harland Williams Half Baked, Hey girl you hungry?

This Eddie Murphy McDonald’s bit from his epic comedy special Raw is a classic. The story that every kid who grew up in America could relate to. When you’re young, McDonald’s is the end all be all of food. You don’t care how it’s made, or what it’s made of, you just know that it is the greatest thing in the world and when you see other kids eating McDonald’s, you want it more than anything else. But Eddie’s story is about asking his grandma is she can take him to McDonald’s but she has something much better planned, her own
Eddie Murphy McDonald’s Scene – Video