Most Viewed Jokes
Grandmas Love Grandmaster Flash is quite possibly my favorite thing to ever come about from Facebook. Someone, somewhere saw a trend happening on Facebook, specifically a Grandmas Love Grandmaster Flash trend, and decided to create a Tumblr honoring it. In case you have no idea what we’re talking about, it’s that whenever Grandmas and even Grandpas try to sign their name on Facebook (like at the end of a Happy Birthday message on their Grandson’s wall), when they go to type in G-R-A-N what automatically pops up as an option is Grandmaster Flash. So what’s happening is unsuspecting Grandparents
Grandmas Love Grandmaster Flash

Funny pictures are what make the Internet go ’round. So sit back, relax and enjoy today’s offering of hilarious cat whiskers, dog’s with face tattoos and everything else you could possibly hope for from the Internet today. Or ever, really. But that’s what we’re here to do: give you exactly what you want from the Internet in one special little package. No need for you to run around from site to site looking for funny pictures here and there. We scour each and every corner of the Internet (believe me, we have seen things we can’t unsee) to bring you
Today’s Funny Pictures – Cat Professor Edition

When a disturbing TV commercial that Frank (Bill Murray) personally produced is criticized by Eliot Loudermilk (Bobcat Goldthwait), he is fired and thrown out on the street, without a bath towel.. Here are a few one liners from Bobcat Goldthwait Scrooged: Hello, wabbit! Sure. One thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three! Oh, uh, Brice Cummings is the idiot, sir, but uh…he can’t talk to you right now because he’s sorta tied up. Uh-huh. Oh, in fact, he just said that you were a flatulating butthead? Yes. You’re, well, you’re a tad off base, sir. That thing looked like
Bobcat Goldthwait Scrooged

Just in time for Halloween, this haunting video shows us those mysterious photos that have never been explained. From the mysterious photo of the elderly lady at the JFK assassination to UFO’s, dead photos, and creepy images of ghosts, this video reminds us that there are mysterious photos out there that have never and might never be fully explained. I had forgotten about most of these or not even heard about them before, but now that I am aware of these mysterious photos I’m even more creeped out! While you might try to say some of these photos aren’t real, what’s even
Mysterious Photos That Have Never Been Explained

This 30-year-old mother has a condition that can only be described as strange…it’s called Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, and it’s had a crazy effect on her life. Cara Anaya has up to 180 orgasms in two hours, and estimates that she has to endure up to 6 hours a day of sexual arousal from her Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder, also referred to as PGAD. Anaya, who is married and lives in Phoenix, was diagnosed with the incurable condition three years ago. Since then she has suffered from spontaneous orgasms while picking her child up from school, on the playground,
Woman Has Spontaneous Orgasms ALL DAY