Most Viewed Jokes
Irish yoga is the classic yoga move where you get so drunk that you pass out in some crazy yoga-style position. Whether you passed out on a park bench and your legs somehow end up bent behind your back and or somehow behind the bench while the rest of your body is in front of it, Irish yoga is not for the novice. You really need to work up to become a true yogi-level Irish yoga instructor. Now, we do not recommend attempting any of this Irish yoga at home. Mostly because it seems that to start any Irish Yoga
Hilarious Irish Yoga Pictures

Having that morning cup of coffee is made even better when you have a funny coffee mug, which is why we went off on a search to find the best ones out there! This collection of 33 Funny Coffee Mugs has definitely made our day a little brighter. Who comes up with these things? Some of these funny coffee mugs are really amazing, not just for their humor but because some of them change when you add a hot beverage to them. Sure, we all love the “Best Dad” or “Best Mom” mugs, but why not delight your children in
33 Funny Coffee Mugs

Here are 107 of the best celebrity graduation quotes of all time for commencement speech season. Everyone from Will Ferrell to Bill Cosby to Whoopi Goldberg and everyone in between have given graduation speeches at universities for years. So here are some of the best celebrity graduation quotes that range from the funny to the inspirational to the flat out great advice. “Try putting your iPhones down every once in a while and look at people’s faces.” – Amy Poehler, Harvard University, 2011 “There’s few things that get you over your own crap more than working hard.” – Adam
The 107 Greatest Graduation Quotes Ever

Is there anything better than a funny pun? And by funny we mean so awful that they make you laugh just because puns are so bad. But some funny puns are just downright fantastic, like this collection we put together for your viewing pleasure. When you’re done scrolling through those funny puns, check out a few other classics we just had to share. -Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now. -I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me. -I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible
48 Terribly Awesome Puns

These George Washington memes truly make us chuckle. And I say chuckle because I imagine that is the type of word those folks used back then, so I’m not going to be embarrassed by it. Not one bit! Whoever came up with these George Washington memes is hilarious. In case you’re not familiar with them, a new trend is to take old paintings (or images of paintings) of George Washington and put modern-day language and phrasing over them. It’s a “If George Washington Paintings Could Talk,” trend…I don’t know why these George Washington memes in particular work so well but
If George Washington Paintings Could Talk…