Most Viewed Jokes
Man! I am so happy this video exposing how bad customer service is has finally come out! It’s just proves what most of us have already suspected: That whenever you call a store to see if they have a product in stock and they tell you “no,” the real answer is most likely “yes” but they were TOO LAZY to go and check so they just tell you “no” anyway! How frustrating is that?! The problem with customer service is having employees who just don’t care. And we’re guessing it’s because they don’t work on commission, so if somebody doesn’t
Video Shows Just How Bad Customer Service Is

Here is a great collection of Harland Williams one liners Dumb and Dumber – You fellas been doing a bit of boozing, have you? Suckin back on grandpa’s old cough medicine? There’s Something About Mary – If you’re not happy with the first 7 minutes, we’re gonna send you the extra minute free. You see? That’s it. That’s our motto. That’s where we’re comin’ from. That’s from A to B. There’s Something About Mary – Bingo, man, bingo. 7-Minute Abs. And we guarantee just as good a workout as the 8-minute folk. Rocket Man – I’m 30 years old. I’m
Harland Williams One Liners

Parents can be so clever. Take this mom who created the You Got Grounded game for her child. How nice of her! In order for the kid to get ungrounded, they have to perform a series of chores that add up to 500 points. They can clean out the microwave for 40 points, sweep and mop the kitchen floor for 25 points, do one load of laundry for 100 points (mom must really want that), or write a nice letter to someone in the family for 10 points. We’re really liking the sound of this You Got Grounded game! Imagine all the
Kids Like Games, Right?

One of our favorites here at Dose of Funny is The Devil sequence from Adam Sandler Waterboy. Mama never wants Bobby to leave her or associate with anybody, especially girls. Mama: “I don’t ever want you associatin’ with little girl.” Young Bobby Boucher: “Why not, Mama?” Mama: “Because little girls are the devil!”
Adam Sandler Waterboy, The Devil!

We’re used to seeing baby’s firsts, but what about cute and funny animal firsts? Is there anything better than capturing hilarious animal moments? These cute and funny animal firsts are downright adorable. These photos show the pure joy and exhilaration that dogs, cats, bears, and even monkeys can show us. Being able to share those cute and funny animal firsts with our furry friends is one of the best treats in life. This collection of animal firsts below might be some of the best we’ve ever seen. From puppy’s first snow day and a bear’s first tree climb to a corgi’s
Cute and Funny Animal Firsts