Most Viewed Jokes
Scout is a dog. An awesome dog. An awesome dog that loves (or doesn’t mind, at least) when stuff is stacked on his head. And part of a fantastic tumblr all about Scout the dog stacking stuff on his head. you can see tons of stuff stacked on a perfectly calm, perfectly content Scout. We’re not sure why or how this is done, but don’t worry. Scout’s owner got Scout from a rescue and all this is perfectly humane and more than fine with Scout. Whether it’s a Yahtzee box, a gigantic bone, some Ben and Jerry’s, anything it seems is
Scout the Dog Stacking Stuff on His Head is Awesome

Funny Men vs Women Joke: Who Talks More? A husband was trying to prove to his wife that women talk more than men. He showed her a study which indicated that men use about 10,000 words per day, whereas women use 20,000 words per day. His wife thought about this for a while. She then told her husband that women use twice as many words as men because they have to repeat everything they say. Her husband looked stunned. He said “What?” We’ve got tons more funny jokes!
Funny Men vs Women Joke
This kid camp letter went viral last week when his mom posted it on her blog, Hairpin Turns Ahead. In the blog post the mom wrote about how last year her 8-year-old went off to summer camp and she spent the entire time he was away waiting for him to write her. She wanted to hear from him so badly she started imagining what her son would say once he did. It was something along the lines of “Thank you so much for letting me go to camp. I have learned so many cool things, like how to take a fish
Kid Camp Letter Goes Viral

Do you ever ask yourself “What could go wrong” before doing something that you know is incredibly stupid? Well if you do, you’re not alone. We’re guessing all the people in this gallery asked themselves “what could go wrong” before they set up these stupid ideas. All you want to ask these people is….really? Do you really think it’s a good idea to tape duct something to the top of a car? Or have a liquor store and gun shop combined? Or what about setting up your DJ equipment in a pool of water? Or dangling your friend out the
17 Terrible Ideas

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